フォーム 予約 決済 メルマガなど集客機能がオールインワン!
Shinjuku sustainable vegan EAT& WALK
Vegan café & restaurant stamp rally
Be kind for our planet by having delish vegan foods!
The event will be held in vegan/ vegan friendly places in Shinjuku and around the area, which are dedicated to build a sustainable life style.
We collaborate with a selected store, style table featured sustainability to spread vegan life style from Shinjuku widely.
Each restaurant offers you some discounts or special services. Get gifts by collecting stamps. Take a crack at healthy and eco-friendly cuisines!
How to join it?
Be prepared for the stamp card on your screen!
Find the QR code either STYLE TABLE or in other restaurants joining this event to get connected with STYLE TABLE.
Get stamps!
Read the QR code specified and get a stamp in each restaurant!
Get a gift(s)!
You have a chance to get it (them) as long as you have at least one stamp!
Exchange the gift(s) with your stamp card in STYLE TABLE!
(The number is limited, so it’s first-come and first-serve basis)
You can get started the rally in whichever restaurants!
You can get discounts and special services immediately if you add STYLE TABLE for your friend on LINE.
Show the screen, which says that you are now a friend of STYLE TABLE or a stamp card on your screen.
STYLE TABLE offers you a gift(s) depend on the number of your stamp ( You can get something with at least a stamp.)
Where you can get a gift?
style table Shinjuku miroad branch
The shop has concepts below.
Sustainable= Keep living together
Ethical= Live comfortably
Vegan= Live with green
For the shop information, check from the link below.
You’re qualified to getting homemade roasted soy beans coffee made in Japan “ Soy Café” with more than a stamp.
(One for one stamp, maximum 3 packs a person, the number is limited)
For the information of soy café, check from the link below.
Published by vege for peace
Brochure for vegan starters
You can get the brochure, [ TRY VEGAN Guide] for free in each restaurant
(First-come, first-served basis)
Vegan prince, Alex Derycz articulates and suggests you about how we can live more consciously for our planet through sustainability, organic and vegan.
お野菜小皿料理のワインバル KiboKo
Wine bar featured one veggie plate KinoKo
Special offer: 100 YEN discount for your first drink
新宿御苑前にあるヴィーガン居酒屋、『お野菜小皿料理のワインバル KiboKo』です
vegan100% gluten free メニューあり
We are situated in Shinjuku Goko-en Mae, 100% vegan and some gluten-free menu is available
4F Shimura Bldg., 2-5-8, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-city, Tokyo
新宿ダイアログ CAFE
Shinjuku Dialog CAFÉ
Special offer: A shot of homemade Amazake (fermented-Rice Drink)
You can be delighted in deliciously healthy foods with decent prices, such as sandwiches with umpteen organic veggies harvested in a garden of the owner and homemade drinks. Green space in Shinjuku Imperial Garden makes you chill out.
vegan 対応
東京都新宿区新宿3-1-32 新宿ビル1号館2階
1-2 Shinjuku Bldg., 3-1-32, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-city, Tokyo
Chaya Macrobi in Isetan Shinjuku
Eat and rejuvenate ourselves. Live with organic.
Our foods are based on organic brown rice grown in Japan, vegetables, beans and seaweeds to aim for beauty and health; therefore, there is no meat, eggs, daily products, white sugar and artificial for our foods.
Vegan / gluten-free対応
Vegan and gluten-free are available.
東京都新宿区新宿3-14-1 新宿伊勢丹本館 7階
7 floor, Shinjuku Isetan main building, 3-14-1, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-city, Tokyo
2012年にオープンした AIN SOPH. の2号店 journey。アインソフの代名詞「天井のヴィーガンパンケーキ」が生まれたお店。真っ白な店内にエントランスのグリーンが印象的な都会のオアシス。旬野菜を使ったビーガン料理や季節のデザートやドリンクを提供しております。
It’s a second branch of the journey series opened in 2012. The most significant menu “Heavenly vegan pancake” was born here. It fascinates you with beautifully whitened interior and greenery entrance. It’s an absolutely oasis in the busy city. We welcome you vegan foods with seasonable vegetables, as well as seasonable deserts and drinks.
vegan / gluten free 対応可
100% vegan and gluten free is available
東京都新宿区新宿三丁目8-9 新宿Qビル
Shinjuku Q Bldg., 8-9 Sancho-me, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-city, Tokyo
2015年にオープンした AIN SOPH. の4号店 journey。アインソフ初のファーストフードスタイルのお店。バーガーやブリトー、フレンチトースト、アイスクリームなどヴィーガン「ジャンクフード」を提供しております。
It’s a fourth of the journey series opened in 2015 and our very first fast food- based restaurant. We serve comfort foods, such as burgers, burritos, French toasts and ice cream.
vegan / gluten free 対応可
100% vegan/ gluten free is available
1 floor, Shinjuku Nishou Bldg., 2-46-8, Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku-city, Tokyo
農薬や肥料に頼らず、土や野菜自らの力で育った自然栽培野菜を中心に、野菜本来の美味しさを当店自慢の自家製発酵食と合わせてご提供! 化学調味料は一切不使用、手作りにこだわりました。
Dining bar with combination of vegetables and fermented foods
Our foods are made with veggies cultivated in the fields of natural farming as much as possible. They are served with our delicious homemade fermented foods.
We never lean on artificial but are dedicated to homemade cooking.
vegan / gluten-free対応
vegan/ gluten free friendly
東京都新宿区市谷台町4-1 1F
1 floor, 4-1, Ichigayadaimachi, Shinjuku-city, Tokyo
フタバフルーツパーラー 新宿マルイ本館店
Futaba Fruit Paler in Shinjuku Marui Main Bldg.
Special offer: 10% discount in your bill
The fruit paler collaborates with a predominant fruit shop, Futaba fruit, which has been running their business for more than 75 years situated in Nakano-city, Tokyo. We line up for parfaits with loads of seasonable fruits and desserts. Ice creams and whipped cream in the selections of parfaits and Anmistu (a classic Japanese dessert including the agar jelly, fruits, and red bean paste) can be switched to soy milk ice cream and whipped cream! You can enjoy gluten-free fluffy pancakes made with rice flour for your preference. There are a plethora of vegan cakes as well. Stop by for your break in between your shopping and soak up our indulging but healthy deserts with your friends and families!
東京都新宿区新宿3-30-13 新宿マルイ本館 5F
5 Floor, Shinjuku Marui Main Bldg. 3-30-13, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-city, Tokyo
wired bonbon ルミネ新宿店
wired bonbon Lumine Shinjuku
Special offer: 10% discount in your bill
WIRED CAFEから誕生したスイーツに特化したカフェ。ヴィーガン・パティシエ岡田春生氏による、100%植物性素材を使ったフォトジェニックなオリジナルパフェ「BONBON de CREAM(ボンボン ド クレーム)」や、パフェ、クレープ、ケーキなどのヴィーガンスイーツを多数ご用意しています。また、具沢山スープ、沖縄島豆腐のタコライスなどのお食事メニューもラインアップしています。
We are a café specialized sweets derived from WIRED CAFÉ. Vegan pastiche, Mr. Haruo Okada amazes you with his original vegan sweets, such as an epic parfait named BONBON de CREAM, creeps, cakes and other umpteen sweets. You can also try out soups with nutrient-dense ingredients, Taco rice with Tofu made in Okinawa and other foods.
東京都新宿区西新宿1-1-5 ルミネ新宿 ルミネ1 6F
16 Floor, Lumine, Lumine Shinjuku, 1-1-5, West Shinjuku, Shinjuku-city, Tokyo