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Japanese Lessons for beginners and tourists!

Zoom On-Line

Simple Travel Japanese

Japanese Lesson
Reservation for the orientation!


To all participants of our online lessons 
From 6 June, when you take one of our online lessons, you will be asked to have an orientation before the first lesson. 
Please make a reservation for that. Thank you for your cooperation.

On-Line Japanese Language Lesson for beginners and tourists by professional teachers! 
We can immediately connect and teach you all over the world from Japan!


We will organize an orientation for every beginners of our service from 6 June.
 (Japanese standard time)
Reservation of the orientation! 

How to use zoom?

Please check how to use zoom as below.

About our On-Line "Nihongo" Japanese Lessons

What is the feature of our lessons?
Which one would you prefer a private lesson or a group lesson?

In a relaxed environment with the zoom you can learn and you can start using Japanese instantly while on your time available and from anywhere around the world. 
Let us help you to make out in the Japanese and culture of Japan! 

We offer the on-line Japanese lessons that created for the tourists and students who are non-Japanese speakers or at the beginner's level.

Our online Japanese lessons are designed as 12 types around situational conversations and
each lesson stands alone so that, the moment you leave the lessons, you can use what you have learned on many occasions! 

Also, we prepare 2 types of our lessons, private or group.
Our private lesson is that you can learn with one on one so that feel free to go at your pacing and learn very effectively. We recommend this lesson to a student that wants to produce result well.
Our group lesson is that you can learn with the same level of students and go in a relaxed environment. We recommend this lesson to a student that wants to continue studying for a long time.    

Having completed all these on-line lessons, you will be more confident in socializing and it will be a good opportunity to know about Japan. 

It's easy to sign up and reserve a combination of our lessons! 

Let's learn Japanese together!

あなたの都合(つごう)のいい時(とき)に、世界中(せかいじゅう)どこでもZoom によるリラックスした環境(かんきょう)で、日本語(にほんご)を学(まな)ぶことができます。私(わたし)たちプロの日本語教師(にほんごきょうし)が日本語(にほんご)や日本の文化(ぶんか)などについての学(まな)びのお手伝(てつだ)いをします!


Our 12 Learning Contents

Each of our On-Line Japanese Lessons is 60 mins. And we will teach you a new skill of situational conversation.
Here's what you'll learn to do!

Introduce yourself  "Let's greet Japanese people"
じこしょうかい 【にほんじんにあいさつしよう】
When you will travel to Japan, you will meet many Japanese people. A greeting is the most basic and important thing to start communication. Learn it and you will have a wider circle of friends in Japan!

Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji "How to write your name in Japanese"
One of our unique culture is sealing and stamping. We rarely sign on the paper. So if you learn and write your name in these Japanese characters called Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, you might make your original name seal easily! It might be an unforgettable memory of you.
And we will introduce you to any kind of signboards at the airport and in town. We will make your day!

Practical Japanese phrases at the airport "Please tell me where the exchange counter is"

Have you ever had any trouble at oversea airports? For can't find the baggage claim, the bus terminal, maybe the exchange counter... 
You want to ask someone but you can't! In those cases...if you know how to ask, it is easy to take action! Let's learn how to speak to Japanese with very simple phrases!

Practical Japanese phrases at the cashier "How much is this?"

Can you ask how much this is when you go to shopping in Japan? At first you better know about the Japanese currency to enjoy shopping. And let's speak to shop clerks!
あなたは日本(にほん)で買い物(かいもの)するとき、「いくらですか?」と聞(き)けますか? 楽(たの)しく買い物(かいもの)をするために、まずは日本(にほん)のお金(かね)のことを知(し)りましょう。そして、店員(てんいん)さんに声(こえ)をかけちゃいましょう!

Practical Japanese phrases at the shop "Do you have this?"

If only you know this phrase, you can buy some good souvenirs for your friends and family in the shop. Let's go shopping in Asakusa or Akihabara and buy many souvenirs. 

Practical Japanese phrases at the Sushi bar "What is this?"

If only you know this phrase, you can ask their recommendation of the menu and order what you want to have. You might know some sushi toppings you have ever seen or some fish you don't know the name. It could be the greatest discovery of Japanese meals! 


Practical Japanese phrases at the Izakaya "Can I have Nihonshu(Japanese Sake)?"

If only you know this phrase, you can choose one of the best dishes and good Japanese sake from many varieties of menu in Izakaya. You push yourself to drop into Izakaya and order in Japanese. It could be the greatest moment in Japan.

Practical Japanese phrases at the Ramen restaurant "Thick noodle please?"

There are many kinds of ramen in Japan. And you know actually we ask them to adjust the taste to our liking? You can know the best ramen shop in Japan, how to use the ticket machine, and order some toppings and flavor!

Practical Japanese phrases at the station "How can I buy Suica(Prepaid IC card used on public transport/in shop) ?"

Enjoy Japan to the max to buy very useful SUICA (Prepaid IC card used on public transport). But actually, a network of Japanese railroads are very complicated. Don't worry we will teach you!
And now you can use SUICA everywhere at the convenience stores, restaurants for the bill. You will be fine as long as you will have SUICA in Japan!

Practical Japanese phrases asking where to go "How can I get there?"

Sometimes you can't get to the place you want with the google map. In that case you can ask anyone around you with a simple phrase. They might tell you very kindly.

You need to do the assignment before the lesson!
Funny Japanese phrases of Manga "Let's add some lines about what the pictures are saying in each circle."

This lesson is so popular now. You can add some lines in Japanese what it says in the 4-panel cartoon you drew.
It is easy to remember how to say in real-life! You can make Japanese people surprise!

This lesson has the assignment to draw the 4 panel Manga.
Please download from the button as below or picture on the right side. And print it out and try to draw the 4-panel manga!


⑫ You need to do the assignment before the lesson!
Funny Japanese phrases of Manga "Let's try to dub the cartoon you made into Japanese."

This lesson is also so popular now the same as No11. Let's try to dub the cartoon you made into Japanese. Cute voice? Funny voice? Scary voice? How is your voice in Japanese??

This lesson has the assignment to draw the 4-panel Manga.
Please download from the button as below or picture on the right side. And print it out and try to draw the 4-panel manga!

⑪とともに、人気(にんき)のレッスンです。自分(じぶん)で描(か)いた4コマまんがに、日本語(にほんご)でセリフを入(い)れて、声(こえ)に出(だ)して言(い)ってみましょう。かわいい声(こえ)?変(へん)な声?こわい声? 日本語で話すとどうなるでしょうかね(^-^)


Introduce yourself  "Let's greet Japanese people"
じこしょうかい 【にほんじんにあいさつしよう】
When you will travel to Japan, you will meet many Japanese people. A greeting is the most basic and important thing to start communication. Learn it and you will have a wider circle of friends in Japan!


Lesson Schedule
from June15 2020
レッスンスケジュール 2020年6月15日~

★Simple Travel Japanese Lessons 
   Monday to Saturday 4Lessons per day
★Free conversation 
   Sunday 4 Lessons per day

★旅行(りょこう)のかんたんにほんご 月曜~土曜日 1日4回
★フリートーク  日曜日 1日4回
We are based in Japan. We consider the time difference that every student around the world can take our Japanese lesson by the leading and very professional teachers.
Please check the schedule of the lessons from the button below.
In case the schedules do not match your preferred time slot, we are preparing the customized Japanese lesson. We will try our best that you can take a lesson at your preferable time. Please contact us from the button below in red.  

Time Table
(Japan Standard Time) 
You can check the detail of each lesson schedule here!!

You can require the detail of the customized lessons here. Please fill the form up and submit.



Your points will be paid with PayPal.

Points required for the lessons

Simple Travel Japanese
You can choose private or group according to your plan!
Studying hard and concentrating on study will be suited to a private lesson.
Studying in relaxing and enjoying with classmates will be suited to a group lesson.  

Free Conversation Lesson
If you would like to talk more or practice the conversation more, we recommend you to choose this lesson.
This lesson is specialized to have a conversation. Studying Japanese while talking with a Japanese teacher.  


Free Conversation Lesson
If you would like to talk more or practice the conversation more, we recommend you to choose this lesson.
This lesson is specialized to have a conversation. Studying Japanese while talking with a Japanese teacher.  


Special Price Day

This is the Special Day that you can take group lessons once or twice a month only for 5 points.
Please take this opportunity!

Please check the schedule of the Special Day from the schedule button below.
The content of the lessons for the Special Day will change every time, so please check what we will teach.

We do not accept requests for schedules or contents, so we would appreciate your understanding.




Your points will be paid with PayPal.

You need to purchase the points first and make a reservation for your lesson. We program 4times lessons per day a cause of the time difference. You can choose the time to fit with your available time to study!

All 12 lessons are available for the price of the 11 lessons course. It is recommended for people who want to study all the lessons. Besides, if you buy on the course, bonus points will be added rather than buying normally.

For details, please see the Terms of service below.




You can require the detail of the customized lessons here. Please fill the form up and submit.


Steps in applying

You must take the orientation before the lesson!

Reservation of the orientation! 

Special feature of our professional teachers

Director of Incollex and Representative teacher

Professional teachers profile

Atsuko Sugimoto
Kaoru Tsuya
Chizuru Furuse
Fusae Kaminaga
Mieko Tomishima
Rie Nakano
Yuka Kuwahara

About us

We are a professional and organized human resource training company that has experienced Japanese language teachers that can provide the unique Japanese learning methods in a fun and creative way.


Our On-Line Lesson series
その他 オンラインレッスンシリーズ

Japanese Business etiquette
At least JLPT N4 level required! On-Line Japanese Business Etiquette Lesson by professional lecturers you haven't ever taken this kind of content! You can learn what you have to know before you work in Japan!


Nihongo at home
Coming soon
Nihongo at home
Coming soon


By Official Line account 
Get a quick response!

This is the official Line of Simple Travel Japanese!

Please send us to friend request from the link or QR code below.

When you complete your application, put your full name by messenger! Thank you!

If you don't have Line yet, you can download and install it here!

         Download here!

After completing download and installation from the official website or if you already have your Line account, please send us a request to be your friend from QR code above. See the picture on the right.

On the Line or Line app
①Go to the HOME from the icon at the     
   lower left 

②Tap the Add Freinds button at the 
   upper right 

③Choose QR code 
④Scan by the code reader

On the Line or Line app
①Go to the HOME from the icon at the     
   lower left 

②Tap the Add Freinds button at the 
   upper right 

③Choose QR code 
④Scan by the code reader

On the Line or Line app
①Go to the HOME from the icon at the     
   lower left 

②Tap the Add Freinds button at the 
   upper right 

③Choose QR code 
④Scan by the code reader


By Email
Thank you for your understanding that it may take some time to reply.


  • Q
    Is there a possibility of one on one lessons?
    Yes, one on one lesson called private lesson is available. You can check the above. 
  • Q
    Can payment of the points be made in installments?
    The payment by Pay Pal is possible to do installment. Please check the site of Pay Pal as following. → Pay Pal How to do installment?
  • Q
    Can you tell me about the cancellation policy?

    Please check the terms of service (Cancellation lessons)

    If you cancel a lesson reservation, the lesson will be canceled 24 hours prior to the start time of the relevant Japanese Standard Time (please be aware of the time difference) from the on-line site (SuperSaas reservation system) with the prescribed method of this service. If this cancellation procedure is completed successfully, the lesson points will be returned to you.

    If you wish to cancel within 24 hours from the start time of the lesson, it cannot be canceled on the on-line site (SuperSaas reservation system), so please apply by email, messenger of Line, or inquiry on this website. Please note that the lesson points shall not be refunded in this case.

     Regarding unauthorized cancellation (no show), please note that based on the 9th article (6), the first and second times will be strictly cautioned, your qualification will be canceled and the lesson points will be lost from the third time.

    You agree in advance that if the reserved lesson is unavoidable due to the circumstances of the lecturer in charge, the lesson reservation can be canceled by us.

    In addition, in this case, the notice of cancellation of the lesson shall be sent an email, in which case the lesson points will be returned.

  • Q
    Will I have the same teacher for all my lessons?
    We have different teachers assigned to different lessons so it is highly unlikely that you will have the same teacher. However, you can expect the same level of professionalism and level of teaching standards.
  • Q
    How to use zoom??
    Please check the website of zoom→Howto use zoom?
  • Q
    I overslept or made a mistake in lesson the lesson time has passed. What should I do?

    You will be absent if you will be late 15 minutes after the start of the lesson, due to your personal computer or internet connection, or any other reason on the part of you. 
    So be careful that you can't participate in the lesson after 15minutes. 
    If you are absent, we shall not take measures such as returning lesson points, changing lesson time, or extending lesson time.

    Please check the terms of service Article 7 (Service rules) 10 (Late and absence) 

  • Q
    I am busy and would like to take lessons for a while. After that, can I return?

    Yes, of course. But please be careful that if you have not used this service for one year, we revoke your user qualification without giving any prior notice or notification to you, and your service points also lapse automatically.

    Please check the terms of service Article 8 (Evocation of User Qualification, and disapproval)

  • Q
    Can you tell me about the cancellation policy?

    Please check the terms of service (Cancellation lessons)

    If you cancel a lesson reservation, the lesson will be canceled 24 hours prior to the start time of the relevant Japanese Standard Time (please be aware of the time difference) from the on-line site (SuperSaas reservation system) with the prescribed method of this service. If this cancellation procedure is completed successfully, the lesson points will be returned to you.

    If you wish to cancel within 24 hours from the start time of the lesson, it cannot be canceled on the on-line site (SuperSaas reservation system), so please apply by email, messenger of Line, or inquiry on this website. Please note that the lesson points shall not be refunded in this case.

     Regarding unauthorized cancellation (no show), please note that based on the 9th article (6), the first and second times will be strictly cautioned, your qualification will be canceled and the lesson points will be lost from the third time.

    You agree in advance that if the reserved lesson is unavoidable due to the circumstances of the lecturer in charge, the lesson reservation can be canceled by us.

    In addition, in this case, the notice of cancellation of the lesson shall be sent an email, in which case the lesson points will be returned.

Terms of Service

Terms of service

Please read this before you use our service!


Extracted a part of the terms of service.
Please be sure to read it.

Article 7 (Service rules)

The user shall agree and comply with the following service rules in advance.

Point lesson system

(1) The user can use this service by purchasing the points separately specified by us in advance and using the points according to each lesson (hereinafter, "lesson points").

(2) When taking a lesson, the user reserves a course specified separately by us in advance, logs in to zoom at the reserved lesson date and time, and takes the lesson

(3) At the user's own responsibility and expense, the user shall log in to zoom meeting account designated by the lecturer before the scheduled lesson time (preferably 5 minutes before).

Service usage fee

(1) The point fee for this service shall be as stated on this site, and in accordance with the statement, the user shall prepay the point fee and purchase points.

(2) There is no expiration date for purchased points. However, if you do not use this service for one year, the user registration will be automatically deleted based on the Article 9 (7), and the possession points will also disappear.

(3) We shall have the right to change the usage fee or introduce a new fee system at any time after posting on this site or contacting the user by e-mail.

Method of payment

(1) The user shall pay the point fee of this service by payment using PayPal

(2) We entrust PayPal with the credit card payment related to this service.

(3) The user acknowledges that PayPal will settle this service usage fee on behalf of us. We shall not be involved in any questions regarding payments or complaints in case of problems.

Purchase of contents

Users can purchase the contents created by us or lectures in exchange for points. Purchased content can be downloaded within the deadline.



We shall not refund fees due to user reasons. Also, if it is due to our circumstances, we will judge it individually.


Service hour

(1) The service provision time of this service shall be as stated on this site, and we shall be able to change the provision time of this service by notifying on this site without prior notice to the user.

(2) All notations such as the lesson start time are Japan Standard Time

Service restriction

(1) We shall be able to limit or change the number of reservations made by the users in order to provide a smooth service to the users.

(2) When the lesson is interrupted by a system malfunction of the user's terminal, disconnection of the network environment, or an act corresponding to the Article 6 (prohibition in this service), even if it is in the middle of the lesson, we or the lecturer in charge of the lesson may cancel the lesson for this user.

 (3) Based on the preceding paragraph, even if the lesson is canceled, this user is not exempt from the obligation to pay the usage fee.However, if the lesson is canceled due to the disconnection of the user's communication environment, lesson points will be returned to the user only once.

Recording of a lesson and recording

(1) The user agrees in advance that the lecturer shall record the lesson while using the service provided by us. Audio recording is for instruction to the lecturer, evaluation of lecturer, quality improvement and management, check of line status, and is not used for any other purpose.

(2)Users are prohibited from recording while using the service provided by us.


Cancellation of a lesson

(1) If a user cancels a lesson reservation, the lesson will be canceled 48 hours prior to the start time of the relevant Japanese Standard Time (please be aware of the time difference) from the on-line site (SuperSaas reservation system) with the prescribed method of this service. If this cancellation procedure is completed successfully, the lesson points will be returned to the user.

(2) If a user wishes to cancel within 48 hours from the start time of the lesson, it cannot be canceled on the on-line site (SuperSaas reservation system), so please apply by an email, message through our official line account or inquiry on this website. Please note that the lesson points shall not be refunded in this case.

(3) Regarding unauthorized cancellation (no show), please note that based on the Article 9 (6), the first and second times will be strictly cautioned, the user qualification will be canceled and the lesson points will be lost from the third time.

(4)The user agrees in advance that if the reserved lesson is unavoidable due to the circumstances of the lecturer in charge, the lesson reservation can be canceled by us.

Besides, in this case, the notice of cancellation of the lesson shall be sent an email, in which case the lesson points will be returned.

 Late and absence

(1) We assume that the user shall be deemed absent or shall be deemed late 15 minutes after the start of the class, due to the user's personal computer or internet connection, or due to any other reasons on the part of the user. And the user shall not be able to participate in the lesson. If the user is absent, we shall not take measures such as returning lesson points, changing lesson time, or extending lesson time.

(2)We shall not be liable for any inability to attend lessons caused by early leave, absence, or other troubles.

 Our disclaimer

(1) We shall not be liable for any reason except for the following cases. Lesson points will not be returned if the user fails to take the lesson except in the following cases:

① When the user cannot take the lesson due to a system failure on the site
② When the user's lesson cannot be taken due to our negligence
③When the lesson cannot be taken due to the user's poor  
 communication environment and the lesson has been canceled
 and points has been returned once before.

(2) If the above-mentioned paragraph occurs, the user shall promptly communicate with us or the lecture in charge by e-mail and use another online system or set another day to take a lesson.