
Social Fabrics


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Social Fabrics
Italian and Japanese design approaches to sustainability in crafts, textiles, and fashion

23rd-24th February 2019
Kyoto University


Sun 2/24.2019

10:00〜17:30(Open 9:30)
参加費(Conference attendance Fee):
一般(Regular): 3000 円(JPY)
学生(Students): 1000円(JPY)

Pre Event

Reborn Kyotoによるアップサイクリングワークショップ
Sat  2/23. 2019

Sat 2/23.2019

場所:京都大学総合研究 2 号館(経営管理大学院)3階マルチメディア講室
料金: 2000円(Regular: 2000 JPY)
学生: 1000円(Student: 1000 JPY)

このワークショップでは、 着物を全く新しいユニークなアイテムに変える基本的な技術をご紹介します。講師を務めるのは、Reborn Kyoto NPOです。1979年に設立されたReborn Kyoto NPOは、東南アジア、アフリカ、中東諸国、 そして日本の恵まれない地域に、 着物の生地を新たな服やアクセサリーに生まれ変わらせる技術を指導してきました。詳しくはわたしたちのこのイベントを紹介しているFacebookと、Reborn Kyotoのウェブサイト をご覧ください。
This workshop will introduce some basic techniques to transform beautiful fabrics from traditional clothing, provided by Reborn Kyoto, into entirely new and unique items.

 Founded in 1979, Reborn Kyoto NPO reuses fabrics from Japanese traditional garments to create new clothing and accessories. Volunteers have been using these materials to provide professional trainings for disadvantaged communities in South-Eastern Asia, Africa, Middle-Eastern countries and Japan. For more information please visit Reborn Kyoto:

The workshop is part of the event "Social Fabrics: Japanese and Italian approaches to sustainability in crafts, textiles and fashion", hosted by Kyoto University Graduate School of Management in collaboration with Kyoto University Design School. More information available on our website Socialfabric and on Facebookpage.




Sun 2/24. 2019

10:00〜17:30(Open 9:30)

カンファレンス参加費(Conference attendance Fee):
一般(Regular): 3000 円(JPY)
学生(Students): 1000円(JPY)




学術、ビジネス(デザイン、生産、流通など)、教育、メディア、産業支援など、幅広い分野の方々が集い、交流できる刺激的な場にしたいと考えております。皆さまのご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げています。 主催:京都大学経営管理大学院協賛:イタリア文化会館(大阪)後援:京都大学デザイン学大学院連携プログラム (デザインスクール)協力:一般社団法人Design Week Kyoto実行委員会 

お申込みは Peatixをご利用ください(コンビニ決済可能。期限にご注意下さい)

Italy and Japan share an outstanding tradition in crafts and in design. Today, as we face social and environmental challenges worldwide, these sectors are striving to find an effective balance between tradition, work ethics, value(s) and demand. The ambition of this event is twofold: on one hand, to foster a deeper understanding and cooperation among different crafts cultures; on the other, to open the debate on the role of design and of small- to medium-sized businesses in defining sustainability.

Scholars, practitioners and entrepreneurs from Italy and Japan are invited to share their insights on the present and the future of crafts and design. Our program includes a Crafts Tour around Kyoto (Sat 02/23), a conference hosted by Kyoto University Graduate School of Management & Design School (Sun 02/24), as well as other related activities stretching over the two days. Japanese-English (or -Italian) translation will be available.

Social fabrics https://socialfabricsevent.wordpress.com

infomation: socialfabricskyoto@gmail.co



Time schedule

10:00-10:15 ご挨拶


10:15-12:00 デザイン/クラフトと持続可能性(英語、日本語通訳あり

  • Alessandro Biamonti(ミラノ工科大学):「デザインの意味」
  • 山内裕(京都大学):「工芸の新しい意味」
  • Giovanni Innella(産業技術大学院大学):「Making Things, Making Sense」

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:30 Round-table 1:日本における持続可能なテキスタイル・ファッションの探求

  • 大田康博(徳山大学):「日本の中小繊維企業の課題と新たな取組み」
  • 三谷武(MITTAN):「持続可能性に対するMITTANのアプローチ」
  • 川崎和也 (ファッション・デザイナー/デザイン・リサーチャー):「衣服と技術の未来を思索/試作する」
  • 内田友紀(RE:PUBLIC):「XSTUDIOが拓く地域産業の可能性」 
14:30-15:00 Break

15:00-16:30 Round-table 2: 社会的包摂:女性がさらに活躍できる産業社会へ(英語、日本語通訳あり

  • Margherita De Giorgi(京都大学Visiting Scholar):「ブランドとしての持続可能性:ファッションとクラフトにおける自然、振る舞い、アイデンティティの対話」
  • Progetto Quid:「Made in Italyのエシカル・ファッションによる女性の活躍」
  • 小玉昌代・中島 茂代(Reborn Kyoto):「経済分野への途上国女性の参加:着物のアップサイクリング指導の可能性」

16:30-17:15 クロージング

大田康博(徳山大学):Margherita De Giorgi(京都大学Visiging Scholar)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

19:00-21:00 Design week 京都 Closing Party(別途要申込)
料金:2000円 会場:MTRL KYOTO (京都市下京区本塩竈町554)


Alessandro Biamonti先生




”Meaning of Design”

Today, the perimeter of design as a discipline is challenged by emerging questions involving its relations to production, craftsmanship, technology and social impact. His speech explores the current meaning of Design, with a focus on the anthropological aspects of the discipline.

Alessandro Biamonti, architect, holds a PhD in Industrial Design and Multimedia Communication. He is Associate Professor at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano, where he coordinates the Research Team LABIRINT (Laboratory of Experimental Habitat). His work deals with the Anthropological aspects of Design, focused on its role within contemporary society.

web site




”The Meaning of Crafts Revisited”

Yutaka Yamauchi is Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Management from UCLA Anderson School and worked as a researcher at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) prior to joining the GSM in 2010. Broadly within management and organization theory, he conducts research on culture in relation to crafts, service and design, in various fields such as sushi bars, French restaurants, apparel brands and traditional crafts.

web site

Giovanni Innella先生

「Making Things, Making Sense」


”Making Things, Making Sense”

Making is a process. Making together is a language. When traveling in remote and diverse contexts, working on projects with local craftsmen becomes a great opportunity to share thoughts, techniques, fears, dreams and cultures. This presentation describes some of my collaborations with manufacturers and craftsmen in Burkina Faso, Italy and Japan and the resulting different relationships and outcomes.

web site





“Challenges and new initiativesof small and medium-sized textile companies in Japan” (JAP)

Dr. Ota considers the historical background of the Japanese textile industry, focusing on how and why such a system became ineffective for innovating textiles and developing networks. Then, he will show some examples of emerging Japanese entrepreneurs responding to these challenges.

web site

Margherita De Giorgi



“Sustainability as Brand: Narratives of nature, gesture and identity in fashion and crafts (EN)”

Margherita De Giorgi, Ph.D, Visiting Scholar at Kyoto University Graduate School of Management. In 2017 she obtained a Ph.D. in performing arts from Université Paris 8, France, and the University of Bologna, Italy. She has been researching on Somatics and contemporary performance and participatory art. Her current project investigates crafts communities and socially engaged practitioners in Kyoto, focusing on how narratives centred on ecology and sustainability shape their entrepreneurial identities.

web site




“MITTAN’s approach to Sustainability” (JAP)

MITTAN is an ethical fashion brand creating contemporary ethnic garments
with upcycled materials. Fabrics mainly come from Japan, India, Laos and China.

web site





 Speculative Fashion for Sustainable Futures (JAP)

What could fashion do for sustainable futures? Mr. Kawasaki's presentation aims to introduce a series of fashion projects about biotechnology, wearable electronics and machine learning in order to speculate on future fashion for our living.

web site

内田友紀さん(RE: PUBLIC)



Revitalizing local textiles industries: The ‘XSTUDIO’ Platform (JAP)

Ms. Yuki Uchida is showing us a project named “XSTUDIO,” which aims to change local peoples mindset in Fukui Prefecture through developing trans-local networks with specialists from various fields such as design, architecture, and textile business. You would see how the project was innovative and exchange views with Ms. Uchida and project members.

web site

Giulia Houston (Progetto Quid)

「Made in Italyのエシカル・ファッションによる女性の活躍」


“Progetto Quid: Social inclusion

and women empowerment through ethical fashion” (EN)

Progetto Quid is a social cooperative and ethical fashion brand based in Verona, Italy. Progetto Quid produces limited-edition women’s wear and accessories using made in Italy, high-quality fabric surplus, while actively promoting social inclusion in its recruiting policies. In 2014, the cooperative was awarded the first prize at the European Innovation Competition and has since then received several awards for social entrepreneurship internationally.

web site


小玉 昌代・中島 茂代/ Masayo Kodama and Shigeyo Nakajima (Reborn Kyoto NPO)



“Women Empowerment through an NPO:Possible guidance in preserving Japanese kimono” (JAP)

At Reborn Kyoto we use kimono sent from people all over the country as a teaching material in the free dressmaking training programs we provide in Vietnam, Laos, Jordan, Yemen, Rwanda. Graduates are active in various related fields, such as teaching, working for apparel companies, and opening their own clothing shops.

web site

北林功/ Isao Kitabayashi (COS KYOTO, DWK Kyoto; co-organiser)


Isao Kitabayashi, founder of COS KYOTO  and of Design Week Kyoto, will be our host at the opening speech of the conference.

web site




Social Fabrics Site

デザインウィーク京都Closing Party

カンファレンス終了後、スピーカーはDesign Week KyotoのClosing Partyに参加し、カンファレンスはもちろん、Design Week Kyotoに関心を持たれる方々と交流を深めたく思っております。皆さまもどうぞご参加下さい。

2/24(Sun) 19:00〜   料金:2000円


会場:MTRL KYOTO [京都市下京区本塩竈町554] https://mtrl.com/kyoto/access


Closing Party / Register online



Web Site




京都大学デザイン学大学院連携プログラム (デザインスクール)


Web Site

一般社団法人Design Week Kyoto実行委員会


Web Site