


Office service
English and Japanese.

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About us

I would like to introduce about our team and what we can do for you.

We POB Analysts are the researchers and a media company in Tokyo, Japan.

So we usually search for new goods, beautiful things,
trendy items and good products in the USA and also introduce them to Japanese people and companies on our website as a media activity.

Here is what we can do to help you to expand your business in Japan;

・Performing test marketing in Japan
・To create sales channels in Japan
・Japanese translation of English manual
・Japan address acquisition
・Japan phone number acquisition
・Japanese HP creation
Patent application

and more

Available at trial price for 30 days!

Please tell us if you have any request.

〜 Our Service 〜
Pacific Ocean Business seeds Assistant Service

☑️  Obtain your business address & phone number in Japan

☑️Secretary service (scheduling of your appointments, etc.)

☑️Contact each expert in Japan
(Lawyer / Accountant /Labor and Social Security Attorney / Notary public, etc.)

☑️Create and distribute your press release on behalf of you

☑️Create your business name card / promotional items

☑️Make your business proposal (Japanese)

☑️Make Japanese translation book of your products & service

☑️Produce your Japanese website

☑️Your SNS management (the translation of the content which you’ve already released in the USA)

☑️Create images to be shown on your HP, etc.

☑️Trademark registration

☑️Others :Japanese translation, making invoice or quotation, shipping Japanese commodity, etc.

☑️Produce your Japanese website

☑️Your SNS management (the translation of the content which you’ve already released in the USA)

☑️Create images to be shown on your HP, etc.

We are Pacific Ocean Business seeds Analyst

POB assistant service
Representative window
One of the POBanalyst members.
We are promoters linking Japan and overseas.
Shigotane Press
News site introducing business seeds around the world.
Edit by Pacific Ocean Business seeds Analyst
Pacific Ocean Business seeds Analyst
POB = Pacific Ocean Bussiness seeds
We wish to be a bridge across the Pacific.
Pacific Ocean Business seeds Analyst
POB = Pacific Ocean Bussiness seeds
We wish to be a bridge across the Pacific.