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【Business Hours】9:00〜18:00 【Closed】Wednesday

Do you need an interpreter when you visit a local vet in Okinawa?


22nd May 2021
Launching Veterinary Medical Interpreting/ tranlation services to support your fur baby's local vet visit!

22nd May 2021
Please check our Vet Nurse Support Okinawa Facebook page as well.
1st July 2024
【New】Company's name and business model has changed to OSA from Vet Nurse Support Okinawa
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From a Registered Veterinary Nurse for Comapanion Animals in Okinawa

I will Support your fur baby's local vet visit!

Have you ever concerned about being able to understand a veterinarian's explanation when visiting a local vet? Don't worry. You are not the only one who has experienced it.  Because the terminology used in veterinary clinics is unique and sometimes difficult to understand for Japanese speakers too sometimes.

Especially when your beloved pet is not feeling well, you must be worried about him/her and want to understand what is happening, so that you can help him/ her to feel better as much as possible, right?
That's why I'm here for you.
As a registered Veterinary Nurse for Companion Animals (VNCA is a national lisence) with over 20 years of experience, I can support your local vet visit. 

I can help you by intepreting the conversation between the owner and the veterinary staff so that you can choose the best option for your precious pet.

On-site Interpreting
¥3,000 for the first hour 
Then, ¥800/15mins.
* Distance-based travel fee (and express way toll if used) will apply. 

*If you have multiple pets with a same-time appointment, there will be an additional fee of ¥1,000 per pet from the second one.

Includes: History taking, Interpreting during your visit to the vet, Making reports after the visit, (if available) Giving construcive advices for home care

This is the most recommended service because interpretation will be more precise and easier for you when all of us are at the vet.
Online Interpreting
¥2,800 for the first hour.
Then, ¥700/15mins.

**If you have multiple pets with a same-time appointment, there will be an additional fee of ¥1,000 per pet from the second one.

Includes: History Taking, Interpreting during your visit to the vet. Making reports after the visit, and Giving constructive advice for home care (if available).

Recommended for cases such as urgent circumstances and restricted entrance to the examination room.

Interpretation will be provided  through your smartphone by using FaceTime, Messenger, LINE or Google Meet.

Other Services
・Quick Phone Call for Appointment Making: ¥1,000/time

・Quick Inquiry to Primary Vet: ¥1,500/time

・Medication Pick-up (travel fee will apply): ¥1,500/time

・Proxy Vet Visit (Conditions apply) : ¥8,000/hour

Feel Free to Contact Us

Business Hours

9:00 - 18:00
8:00 - 19:00
★Closed on Wednesdays
●Please also visit our Facebook. Click on "Facebook" at the bottom of this page.


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