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Aikido KITAYAMA Dojo
合氣道 北山道場

"We provide not only quality instruction of Japanese Martial Art 'AIKIDO' but also the philosophy and culture behind it"

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Our New Website!!



About our Dojo

Aikido KITAYAMA Dojo is an associate Dojo of Shoryukai Australia which has an affiliation with AIKIKAI Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, Japan. 

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Adult & Womens Class - $15 per class
All Kids' Class are paid by Term
**Discount available for Monthly & Early Bird payment

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Training Time Table

Every Tuesday and Thursday
Adult & Womens Class 
Kids' Class (7yrs - 13yrs)
Kids' & Parents Class (3yrs -7yrs)

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Dojo Location

Dojo location is at Upper Coomera Community Centre
All our members have access to;
- Air-conditioned hall
- Secure facility/complex
- Onsite Parkings
- Clean Toilets

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What is Aikido?

Aikido is a Japanese Martial Art created during the 1920s by Morihei Ueshiba (1883~1969), an expert who reached the highest level of mastery in the classical Japanese Martial Arts. Aikido is performed by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on. Aikido has no competition. The goal of Aikido training is not perfection of a step or skill, but rather improving one's character according to the rules of nature.(From Aikikai Hombu Dojo Homepage)


At KITAYAMA Dojo, we provide not only quality instruction of Japanese Martial Arts "AIKIDO" but also the philosophy and culture behind it.

The Aikido KIATYAMA Dojo is a local martial arts club aiming to improve our community’s Self-defense awareness. We have two Dojos in Upper Coomera and Hope Island on the Northside of the Gold Coast.

Our head instructor is Kitayama Sensei who originates from OSAKA, Japan.

We are an associate Dojo of Shoryukai Australia which is funded by Katsuyuki Shimamoto (8th Dan) at Shosenji Dojo in Osaka and has an affiliation with AIKIKAI Hombu / headquater in Tokyo, Japan. AIKIKAI is the biggest Aikido organization, founded by Ueshiba family and officially recognized by the Japanese government since1940. All our gradings are held in Australia and recognised internationally.
At KITAYAMA Dojo, we have a true BUDO approach that focuses not only the martial side of AIKIDO but also Japanese culture which Aikido is based on, thereby allowing students to learn Aikido philosophy.

Our motto is “Bun Bu Ryo-do (文武両道)” which means “Cultivate dual path of martial side and mind/manner side”. 

Our aim is to introduce Aikido to as many people as possible and to increase participation in Aikido throughout the world.

All instructors are accredited through Japanese Aikikai Hombu (headquarters) and with the Australian Governing Body (Australian Jujutsu Federation).

Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!

Aikido at KITAYAMA Dojo

We have a true BUDO approach that focuses not only the martial side of AIKIDO but also Japanese culture which Aikido is based on,thereby allowing students to learn Aikido philosophy.

Aikido is not a sport and there are no competitions. Therefore the practice can be done within your own ability and at your own pace. It is unlike any other martial art and you can practice it regardless of age, gender or fitness ability.

Aikido is often called “Soft-ish Martial arts”, but it is a true BUDO (Martial art) which has all the principles and effectiveness from Japanese sword movements. That’s why we don’t need to be super strong and quick! Therefore, a very old Samurai can effortlessly defeat a young and fit Samurai.  Aikido WAZA (techniques) can be very sharp and easily hurt people. For that reason Aikido has no competition and uses only KATA (set practice) to practice with partners.

Aikido has its own Aiki-Philosophy that helps to develop a positive manner, attitude and behavior. We cannot neglect this side of Aikido. Development of both physical and mental attributes thereby becoming a complete martial artist, leader and most importantly, GOOD PERSON.

Contact us for FREE Trial Lesson

Our Aikido Classes

Kids Classes

We have two different kids classes on every Tuesday & Thursday during School terms.
Our primary forcus for kids classes are developing descipline and self-awareness though Aikido martial training in authentic Japanese way.

Yound Kids & Parents Class (3-7yrs)
Kids Class (7-13yrs)


Women Class

We have Women's Aikido Class on every Thursday morning at Hope Island.
Women's class focuses on "Easy to use" Self-defense techniques with more approachable Aikido techiniques plus traditional Aikido breathing exercise & meditation for wellness.


Adult Classes

We have adult classes on every Tuesday & Thursday.
In Adult classes, we focus on studying "Space awareness", "Correct Timing", "Precise Angle" & "Softness" without relying on "Speed" & "Strength". 

Aikido 6 week Challenge Course is available


Aikido Kids Classes

At Aikido KITAYAMA Dojo,we do not teach kids how to fight.
Instead we teach kids how to protect and manage themselves physically and mentally. 

It takes the traditional philosophy and spirit of the Samurai, described by Aikido Funder (Morihei Ueshiba), “True victory is victory over yourself (Masakatsu Agastu - 正勝吾勝)”, which meant that at all times the Samurai should focus on mastering self-control.  Therefore, Aikido encourages us to manage ourselves better in life.Also important for children growing up in today’s competitive and stressful society, Aikido allows them to train within their own abilities and at their own pace, without the pressure to win in competition, since Aikido has no competitions.  

In the Kids Class we seek to:

Mental aspects

Build self-confidence
  • Proper self-confidence also comes with humility (people with too much confidence are often “arrogant”)
Develop freedom within discipline
  • We must know self-discipline to fully appreciate freedom
Learn calmness
  • No matter how hard our heart beats, our mind needs be calm to make the right decision under pressure.  Aikido training uses many exercises to develop a calm mind
Become stronger whilst showing care and respect towards weaker people
  • True martial artists never abuse or misuse the arts and always help people in need

Physical aspects

Aikido’s various UKEMI skills (Soft-rolling, Break-falls etc...)
  • Learn to relax your body and minimize the risk of injuries
Aikido’s basic SABAKI movements
  • Learn TAI SABAKI (Body movements) and ASHI SABAKI (Foot movements) to build up core muscle, reflections, and body coordination skills that will be beneficial doing any sport or martial arts
Basic Aikido Techniques
  • Learn 'simple' and 'easy to use' techiniques to protect themselves in a Stranger situation, Bullying situation, or any dangerous situation. (HOWEVER, in Aikido the first lesson is to avoid any dangers, thereby developing awareness to sense such dangers!)

*Our Kids Classes may be STRICKTER and have a very traditional Japanese approach in etiquetts compared to other dojos, so please read "Dojo Etiquetts"carefully and understand before joining us, PLEASE!**Classes are conducted in English and Japanese*** If your child / children disturb classes, we will ask to leave the dojo or parents to join classes in order to keep good learning emviroment for other students

Kids Class Details

UPPER COOMERA DOJO on every Tuesdays & Thursdays during school Term
We offer PRIVATE Lesson for other days!

"Younger Kids' & Parents' Class" @ 16:00 - 16:30

  • Age between 3 years old to 7 years old
  • For 3 and 4 years old kids, one of parents' must be on the mat and assist own child during the classes
  • Above 5 years old, parents do not need to be on the mats. HOWEVER, we ask one of parents to stay as much as possible and assist your own kids’ toilets needs during class

*Parents are welcome to join & Study in the classes 
**Elder siblings from Kids Classes can join & train for Free

"Kids' Class"   @ 16:45 - 17:45
  • Age between 7 years old to 13 years old
  • For under 10 years old, we ask one of parents to stay as much as possible and assist your own kids’ toilets needs during class.

*Parents are welcome to join & study Aikido in the classes

Conditions for enroling our Kids Classes
  1. Generally we do not have "Make-up class" system for absentees
  2. Following our Dojo minimum etiquettes
  3. Instructors expect all kids to sit, listen and practice without disturbing other students (We may ask you to join later if children do not meet these expectation)
  4. If child/children can neither sit properly or follow instructions during classes, we request one of parents to join the classes until his or her attiude improve. Otherwise, we request him or her to sit in SEIZA position on the conner of Dojo and watch at least two classes

Contact us for Free Trial Lesson

Womens Self-defense Aikido Class

Women's class focuses on "Easy to use" Self-defense techniques with more approachable Aikido plus traditional Aikido breathing exercise & meditation for wellness

NOT all martial arts come with same characteristics and styles. Some pursuit STRENGTH, SPEED and TOUGHNESS, but we DO NOT pursuit them! We would rather pursuit “LESS” strength, speed and toughness when we study Aikido. We learn to blend, re-direct “force of an attack” and return it to your oppornent very effective way.

Aikido is more than just a Martial art that Aikido follows deep philosophy beyond martial art. Aikido has its own philosophy call “Aiki-philosophy” which follows “Rules of universe”. We aim to harmonize / blend ourself with the nature and everything around us. In other words, we try NOT to against them. The great thing is that we can utilize Aiki-philosophy not only in Dojo's martial practice but also in our daily life.

We use traditional “Kata (pre-arranged set forms)” and practice with training partners, so you can train at your own pace and physical ability in safe and relaxed manner.

Contact us for Free Trial Lesson

Adult Classes


Aikido offers Physical Benefits

- Improve Reflexes and Coordination
- Increase Flexibility and Fitness - Increase Self-defense skills
- Strength Core-muscle

Aikido offers Mental Benefits
- Increase Concentration
- Reduce and Manage Stress
- Increase Self -awareness
- Increase Self Confidence and Self Discipline

Aikido offers Health Benefits
- Improve Posture 
- Improve Blood Circulation
- Reduce risks of potential Injuries and Sicknesses
- Prevent Aging (keep you younger)

Contact us for Free Trial Lesson

Aikido for Beginners

- FREE First Trial Lesson Available for both Adults and Kids-
 (合氣道 初回無料体験レッスン)

We welcome all beginners, new members and visitors from all other dojos. 

If you are interested in learining Aikido at KITAYAMA Dojo please contact us and book for your first free trial lesson.
(You can always come and watch classes before your FREE First Trial Lesson)

  • Bring your water bottle & towel
  • Wear comfortable cloths 
  • Read our "Dojo Etiquettes" ➡ VERY IMPORTANT
  • Arrive Dojo at least 10mins early
  • Please DO NOT come with bare foot
6-Week Aikido CHALLENGE for beginners


After trying our "Free Trial Lesson" and you decide to learn Aikido, we offer "6-Week Aikido Challenge for Adult Beginners" and run 4 times a year!

Starting Date:  2nd week of each School Term
Time & Date :  Tuesday from 18:00 - 19:00
                       Thursday from 18:00 - 19:00
Duration:         6 weeks (12 classes)
Fee:                 $120

"6-Week Aikido Challenge" is the introductory Beginners' course and we have developed lessons especially for beginners like you! PLEASE, PLEASE do understand we would not teach you super fancy techniques for kicks or punches you see in movies or TVs.

Each of the classes are easy to follow and our head instructor KITAYAMA sensei will try his best to teach the fundamentals of Aikido like;

- Kihon Waza - the basic techniques 
- Taisabaki     - the body movements 
- Maai           - the space awareness 
- Kokyu         - the breathing exercise 
- Ukemi         - the art of falling 

During the lesson, we like to change your image of Aikido by learning the connections between the basic Aikido techniques and Japanese Sword movements which has clean and sharp movements. We also like to explore how simple and basic Aikido techniques can be used in some self-defense situations.

A minimum of 6 week course (12 classes) is recommended for beginners to complete before joining the Kitayama Dojo and begin regular Aikido classes.

Aikido offers Physical Benefits

- Improve Reflexes and Coordination
- Increase Flexibility and Fitness
- Increase Self-defense skills
- Strength Core-muscle

Aikido offers Mental Benefits

- Increase Concentration
- Reduce and Manage Stress
- Increase Self -awareness
- Increase Self Confidence and Self Discipline

Aikido offers Health Benefits

- Improve Posture 
- Improve Blood Circulation
- Reduce risks of potential Injuries and Sicknesses
- Prevent Aging (keep you younger)

"You don't need to be a very strong & fit to start AIKIDO.... Eventually you will get stronger & fitter!"

This 6-Week Aikido Challenge is an introductory course for Aikido beginners and the training fee & the martial arts insurance fee are included in the price. If you decide to continue studying Aikido after the 6-week challenge, please join the club formally and pay the auunal membership fee. (This introductory couese is for one time offer per person)

  • Date: Every Tuesday & Thursday (2 classes per week)
  • Time: 18:00 - 19:00
  • Duration: 6 weeks (12 Classes)
  • Cost: $120
  • Starts: Week 2 in every School Terms
Our Head Instructor 
Gotaro Kitayama
 - Aikido 4th Dan  
 - Level 2 NCAS Martial Arts Instructor (Australian Sports Commission)
 - Certified Personal trainer
 - Queensland Police Blue Card

Gotaro’s martial arts training commenced with Judo and Kendo at his middle school in 1990, and his Aikido journey begin in 1996 at Tenshin Dojo in Osaka, Japan. He has been very lucky to train at many different dojos in Japan and Australia.

He met David KOLB sensei when he moved to Brisbane in 2003 at Brisbane Aikikai and began his teaching shortly after. He has organised Aikido demonstrations for Japan Day at university.

Through Kolb sensei’s direction and influence, he is fortunate to have trained under the guidance of many prominent Aikido Senseis in Japan and Australia, including Shimamoto Shihan 8th Dan and David Brown Shihan 6th Dan.

He realised his interest in teaching Aikido to kids when he found out his wife was pregnant in 2015, He started to be a volunteer kids class assistant at Bayside BUDOKAI and learned how to teach kids directly from Kolb Sensei. In 2018, he started new Aikido Kids class at Brisbane Aikikai with great supports from his wife and Mark Pearcy Sensei. The first (and only one) student was his two years old son!!

By day, Gotaro runs a Traditional Japanese Seitai Massage (Budo Remedial Bodywork) clinic.

It has been Gotaro’s dream to open an Aikido Dojo since he started Aikido in 1996. Aikido is Gotaro’s life journey and he wishes to learn and improve Aikido together with everyone he meets through his Aikido KITAYAMA Dojo.

Arigatogozaimashita for your interest!


Recommendations from Budo-Ka

David Kolb Sensei
President / Dojo-Cho Bayside Budokai
BUDOKAI Hombu So Dojo-Cho (総道場長)

Aikido 5th Dan (Training since 1983)
Iaido 6th Dan Renshi
Jodo 5th Dan
Karatedo 3rd Dan

I am really happy to congratulate Gotaro Kitayama on the commencement of the Aikido Kitayama Dojo.
Gotaro has dedicated himself to the study of the art of aikido over many years.  Already a leader and gifted instructor, he is well prepared to take on the responsibility of being a teacher in his own right.
Prospective members of the Aikido Kitayama Dojo can be confident that they are learning an authentic version of the art in a true Japanese cultural context.  Parents in particular, can be assured that their children will be supported in a safe, happy and disciplined environment. 

Gotaro and his family are wonderful people and I am fortunate to count them as my friends.

I am looking forward to the future growth of aikido in Gold Coast under the guidance of Kitayama Sensei.

Damon Schearer Sensei
President / Dojo-Cho  Kuroyama BUDOKAI
(BUDOKAI Canberra Branch)

Aikido (Training since 1991)
- Aikikai 5th Dan
- Tomiki Aikido 1st Dan
Iaido 5th Dan 
Jodo 5th Dan 

I had the privilege to first meet Gotaro when we were partnered for Shodan grading almost 20 years ago and I believe it was his energy and enthusiasm that drove me that day. For many years after we trained together and I continued to admire his unrelenting passion to improve his Aikido, his humbleness despite his growing ability, and his continual display of Japanese etiquette both on and off the dojo mats.  Although he claims his interest in teaching children started in 2015, I have memories of him several years before that, arriving early to Friday night Iaido classes so he could help me teach children’s Aikido class at Brisbane Aikikai. Even then his patience and support with young students was impressive. After our lives took us to separate parts of the country we continued to remain friends and train together when I visited Bayside Budokai.  I was honoured to participate in both his Nidan and Sandan gradings where each time I was impressed at both his technical ability, but also the calm and relaxed manner he performed Aikido.  He is an excellent training partner, both as Uke and Tori, and ever time I leave a training session with him, I feel a little sad that I cannot train with him regularly. 
I highly recommend him for teaching Aikido to both adults and children.

Lynford Rosos Sensei
Aikido 5th Dan (Training since 1991)
Iaido 3rd Dan
Jodo 3rd Dan
Gotaro is an exceptional character, who has strong family values and truly demonstrates respect to everyone. He is a shining example who teaches by leading, without compromising his values and the arts. 
These reasons and more make him a highly regarded person, who is well skilled in aikido, and a highly valued student/teacher. 
I have known Gotaro and trained with him for at the last 17 years, and I believe he is an important human bridge that brings the best of Japanese culture to the rest of the world.

Adam Howard Sensei
President / Dojo-Cho  Brisbane AIkikai

Aikido 3rd Dan (Training since 1993)
I have known Kitayama Sensei for many years and even had the opportunity to train with him in Tokyo. Several years ago Kitayama Sensei expressed an interest in starting a kids class at the Newstead Dojo. We all thought it would take months and even years for him to build the class up, however we couldn’t have been more wrong. Within a few weeks we had many complaints from the adult class members who couldn’t get a car park at the dojo due to the popularity of the kids class! I have never seen so many people attend our dojo! It looked like a circus was in town and quite frankly was embarrassing to the rest of us given we haven’t been able to grow our adult class numbers for many years! The reason behind the kids class success at our club is 100% due to Kitayama Sensei. The word that best describes Kitayama Sensei is “humble”. Another is “respect”. Every time I have the opportunity to train with Kitayama Sensei I learn more about these two concepts. Although I have lived in Japan for several years, I have never met a person who is able to blend the best characteristics of Japanese and Australian culture. Kitayama Sensei has managed to do so in his own unique way, and I personally have learned so much, and continue to learn from him. 

Tom Garwood Sensei
Manager / Jimu Cho Brisbane Aikikai

Aikido 2nd Dan (Training for 10yrs+)

Since first meeting Kitayama sensei at our club just over 12 years ago, he has been a constant source of inspiration to me as a student of aikido, and I know of many others who feel the same way.  I say this because his practice of aikido is so impressive, both to watch and to learn from.  Outside the training hall, he’s a warm and incredibly generous individual.  He doesn’t show off in class, but if you’re curious enough to ask about the principles of whatever we are studying, he always has an extra technique or two up his sleeve, like a walking encyclopaedia of samurai arts!  Anyone looking for a place to learn aikido- or interested in Japanese martial arts generally- will thank their lucky stars if they choose the Kitayama dojo.

Sayaka Matsuo Sempai
Aikido 1st kyu (Training since 2015)

Kitayama sensei can logically explain the details of techniques so you can trust and continue training for long period of time. Also, his very Japanese style manner and humbleness is something you can learn with Aikido techniques.

Roy Quek Sempai
Aikido 1st Kyu (Training since 2008)

I respect respect Gotaro Sensei for his
humbleness and enjoy training with him. He has a calm and collected personality and takes time to explain techniques to further facilitate understanding. He is patient but firm, especially with kids and emphasizes on proper etiquette and
respect in the dojo, which I believe would benefit anyone even outside of the dojo.

David Kolb Sensei
President / Dojo-Cho Bayside Budokai
BUDOKAI Hombu So Dojo-Cho (総道場長)

Aikido 5th Dan (Training since 1983)
Iaido 6th Dan Renshi
Jodo 5th Dan
Karatedo 3rd Dan

I am really happy to congratulate Gotaro Kitayama on the commencement of the Aikido Kitayama Dojo.
Gotaro has dedicated himself to the study of the art of aikido over many years.  Already a leader and gifted instructor, he is well prepared to take on the responsibility of being a teacher in his own right.
Prospective members of the Aikido Kitayama Dojo can be confident that they are learning an authentic version of the art in a true Japanese cultural context.  Parents in particular, can be assured that their children will be supported in a safe, happy and disciplined environment. 

Gotaro and his family are wonderful people and I am fortunate to count them as my friends.

I am looking forward to the future growth of aikido in Gold Coast under the guidance of Kitayama Sensei.

KITAYAMA Dojo Training Timetable 

Every Tuesday & Thursday
@ Upper Coomera Centre

(Except Public Holidays & School Holidays)

Price List

Kids Classes
Young Kids & Parents Class (3-7yrs)
$100 per Term (Train Once a week)
Young Kids & Parents Class (3-7yrs)
$200 per Term (Train Twice a week)
Kids Class   (7-13yrs)
$150 per Term (Train Once a week)
Kids Class  (7-13yrs)
$300 per Term (Train Twice a week)
Private Lesson
$100 per Session  
Annual Membership Fee $60 per Child 
*Generally No Make-Up classes for absentee
*Please nominate Tuesday or Thursday for training date
*All Kids classes are only paid by Term
*All students required to pay Annual Membership Fee
*Sibling Discount is available
Young Kids & Parents Class (3-7yrs)
$100 per Term (Train Once a week)
Adult & Womens Classes
Casual / Visitor Fee
$15 per Lesson
Discounted Monthly Fee 1
$50 / Month (Train Once a week)
Discounted Monthly Fee 2
$100 / Month (Train Twice a week)
Unlimited Monthly Fee 
$150 / Month (Train Unlimited) 
Aikido 6-Week Challenge
$120 for 6 weeks (12 Lessons)
Private Lesson
$100 per Session  
Annual Membership Fee
$80 per Person
* Discounted Monthly Fees are due in 1st week of every month
* All studnets are required to pay Annual Membership Fee
Young Kids & Parents Class (3-7yrs)
$100 per Term (Train Once a week)
Dojo KOKOROE (Minimum Etiquettes) 

The Dojo is not a place where you can do anything. There is a list of etiquette rules that must be followed for students to train smoothly in the respectful manner that is the traditional way. The below lists contain just the minimum etiquette rules and may also require students to follow other necessary etiquette rules.

  • Make a Standing Bow to the centre of the Dojo when you enter and leave the Dojo (Anyone who enter the Dojo)
    道場に出入りする際は、正面に、心を込めて一礼(立礼)すること (見学者、保護者ともに)
  • Do not come to the Dojo with bare feet
  • Take off your hat or cap when you enter the Dojo
  • Before entering the Tatami mat area: 道場の畳の上に、上がる前
     - Take off your shoes and place them neatly in the shoes area 
     - Take off all jewellery 
     - and Tie up long hair with simple bands 
  • Cut your nails before training
  • Only female students can wear a shirt under the Dogi uniform
  • Make a Sitting Bow to the KAMIZA when you enter and leave the Tatami mat area
  • Bow formally to the KAMIZA and instructor at the beginning and the end of class (including people watching the class)
    稽古の開始時と終了時は、きちんと正座し、心を落ち着かせ、心を込めて座礼をすること (見学者、保護者は、立礼)
  • If you are late, wait at the corner of the Tatami mat area with a completed acknowledgement form for the instructors. When the instructor gives you permission to join the class, complete the warm up exercises and join the class
  • Do not walk in front of people who are bowing or talking to each other
  • Listen carefully to the instructor and follow the instructors’ instructions
  • Train within your ability and look after your training partners
  • Keep your personal conversation to a minimum and stay focused during training
  • Sit properly (kneeling or crossed leg position) when the instructor explains or demonstrates
  • Inform the instructor immediately if you are unwell or feel unusual
  • Obtain permission from the instructor if you would like to have a rest during training
  • Drink water when you need to but only drink at the corner of the Tatami mat area (Do not face Kamiza and drink)
  • Show appreciation and say “Arigatogozaimashita (thank you very much)” to your training partners at the end of class
  • Clean the Dojo and bring all mats in the storage after each class
  • Be humble and do not show off Aikido techniques
  • Make a Standing Bow to the centre of the Dojo when you enter and leave the Dojo (Anyone who enter the Dojo)
    道場に出入りする際は、正面に、心を込めて一礼(立礼)すること (見学者、保護者ともに)
Contact Details


Gold Coast BUDOKAI  
Aikido KITAYAMA Dojo
Contact Details
Head Instructor: Gotaro KITAYAMA

Mobile: 0433-339-847
Email: CLK6300@hotmail.com
Postal Address: PO.BOX 114 Sanctuary Cove QLD 4212

If you do not get a reply within 24hrs, please try different ways to contact us again.
Dojo Location Upper Coomera Community Center
Multipurpose Hall 2

90 Reserve Rd, Upper Coomera QLD 4209

Location Map
Classes are held Every Tuesday & Thursday
(Except School Holidays & Public Holidays)
**Please check our Facebook page for any training changes**

Adult Classes are running during school holidays
Dojo Location Upper Coomera Community Center
Multipurpose Hall 2

90 Reserve Rd, Upper Coomera QLD 4209


Walk into the Centre

Park your car at available parking spot and come into the centre!
Get change in Toilet.

Please try to get at least 10- 15 mins before your class starts, so you have time to do light stretch and prepare yourself for the class rather than rush into the class.


Welcome to the KITAYAMA Dojo

Please make a standing bow to the center when you first come into the hall (including parents or guardians).

Please help us to lay the TATAMI mats.
Take off Shoes / Slippers and place them neatly by the Tatami.
Leave your water bottle in desgnated area (for Kids)

Please make a proper sitting bow when you enter the Tatami and your KEIKO (lesson) starts soon!!


Walk into the Centre

Park your car at available parking spot and come into the centre!
Get change in Toilet.

 Other Relevant Information

Grading Rules
It is a very formal event for Aikido students and we request all students to take our formal Grading procedure. All our gradings are recognised both nationally and internationally by Aikikai style of Aikido dojos.
1, Our instructors will give you a formal recommendation to students who meet grading requirements set by our Dojo. (No students are allowed to ask or demand instructors for gradings)
2, All students need to fill in grading forms and pay grading fees at least one week prior to the grading day.

For Adult class students;
Kyu Gradings are held at our Aikido Shoryukai Australia Hombu (Bayside Budokai) in Wynnum by David Kolb Sensei  (2 times a year)
Grading fee is $50 per person
Dan Grading are held at Shosenji Dojo in Osaka Japan by Shimamoto Shihan
Grading fee is TBA, puls your own travel expenses to Osaka, Japan.

For Kids’ class students;
Grading are held at Kitayama Dojo by David Kolb Sensei and Kitayama Sensei (2 times a year)
Grading Fee is $20 per children. Belts' fee is not included.
We will assess a required number of actual training days, training attitude during classes and understanding Aikido techiniques

 * Our instructors reserve the right to vary according to discretion and performance of individuals

Belt System
We are Aikikai-style and all students are required to follow Aikikai rules for belt or grading system
- Only Black or White belt for Adult students and only Yudanshya (Dan Holder) can wear Hakama
  **Only Female students can wear Dark Blue (not Black) Hakama from 3rd Kyu with the instructors' permission
- Junior studnets can wear coloured belts, but no black belt for junior studnets in Aikikai

Our Shoryukai Australia's Group Dojos

Bayside BUDOKAI (Our Headquarter)

Kolb Sensei is teaching following Aikido classes;

Tuesday   17:30-18:30 - Kids Aikido
               18:45-20:15 - Iaido
Thursday  18:30-20:00 - Adult Aikido
Sunday    7:00-8:15     - Iaido
               8:30-10:00   - Adult Aikido

More information CLICK HERE

*Training fees and Membership Fees may differ
*Please contact for more detail.
Kuroyama BUDOKAI (Canberra Branch)

Our BUDOKAI group dojo in Canberra. Schearer Sensei takes classes.

They offer various Japanese Martial Arts.
Aikido, Iaido, Jodo, Kyudo & Naginata

More information CLICK HERE

*Training fees and Membership Fees may differ
*Please contact for more detail.

Our Friend Dojos

Brisbane Aikikai 

Our friend dojo in Brisbane
They have classes 7 days a week.

More information CLICK HERE

*Training fees and Membership Fees may differ
*Please contact for more detail.
Broadwater Aikido (Australian Aikikai)

Our friend Dojo in Gold Coast
They have Classes on Monday, Thursday & Saturday.

More information CLICK HERE

*Training fees and Membership Fees may differ
*Please contact for more detail.
Aikido Gold Coast Mudgeeraba Dojo

Our friend dojo in Gold Coast
They have classes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday for Adults & Saturday for Kids.

More information CLICK HERE
*Training fees and Membership Fees may differ
*Please contact for more detail.
Onami Dojo Capalaba (Aikido Goshinkai)

Our friend Dojo in Brisbane
Sharma Sensei takes Classes on Thursday for Adults & Saturday for Kids.

More information CLICK HERE
*Training fees and Membership Fees may differ
*Please contact for more detail.
Onami Dojo Capalaba (Aikido Goshinkai)

Our friend Dojo in Brisbane
Sharma Sensei takes Classes on Thursday for Adults & Saturday for Kids.

More information CLICK HERE
*Training fees and Membership Fees may differ
*Please contact for more detail.



We follow Aikikai-Style of Aikido.
Aikikai Hombu Dojo in Tokyo Japan which is the original school of Aikido and the largest Aikido organization in the world. There are about two million Aikikai members in more than 130 countries.
Learn more

Australian Jujitsu Federation

We are proud member of AJF.
Governing Body for Jujitsu and Related Martial Arts
Recognised by the Australian Government through the Australian Sports Commission
Learn More


We are proud member of MMA.
Martial Arts Australia have long been accepted as an industry peak bodies for martial art instructors and school owners and it continues to grow and serve the industry.
Learn more

Aikido, Aikido kids, Aikido juniors, kids, juniors, teens, kids, & Parents, Adult Aikido, Aikido Dojo, Japanese Martial arts, Japanese, authentic, traditional, Martial arts, Self-defense, self-discipline, Samurai, Aikido-ka, Aikikai, mindfulness, healthy, exercises, Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Gold Coast, Upper Coomera, Oxsenford, Coomera, Pimpama, Hope Island, Helensvale, Sanctuary Cove, Paradise Point, Hollywell, Runaway Bay, Labrador, Parkwood, Arundale, Pasific Pines, Gaven, Nerrang, Molendinar, Ashmore, Carrara, Merrimac, Southport, North Gold Coast, Kitayama, Dojo, Queensland, QLD, Budo, Kitayama Dojo, Kitayama, Aikido Gold Coast

合氣道、合気道、合気会、大人クラス、子供クラス、合気道キッズ, ブリスベン、オーストラリア、道場、武道、心身鍛錬、部, 北山道場、ゴールドコースト、ゴールドコースト北部、クィーンズランド、親子クラス, 幼児クラス, 合気道ゴールドコースト