
KAMAGA Masamu Ph.D.

釜我昌武のプロフィール画像 Profile of KAMAGA Masamu Ph.D.

Ph.D. of Engineering / Vice President for Academic Affairs / Academic Backpacker / Motivational Speaker / TEDx Speaker / Pecinta Bandung / Early Adopter / Dosen Luar Biasa (Lecturer) 

KAMAGA Masamu Ph.D. is currently the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kirirom Institute of Technology (KIT Cambodia), Cambodia. He obtained his Ph.D. in Engineering from Chiba University, Japan in 2010. Both his Bachelor and Masters in Electrical and Electronic Engineering were obtained at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. He is an active member of the  IEEE.
Before joining the academic sector, he was engaged in the research on power electronics and power semiconductor devices at National Institute of Advanced Industry, Science and Technology (AIST) and TOSHIBA's Corporate Research & Development Center until September 2011. He began his career in the academe as an educator and researcher in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Japanese Studies and Language at Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia. He held this position for 4 years. He later moved to Bina Nusantara (BINUS) University, Indonesia and held the same position for 2 years. During his sojourn in Indonesia, he has collaborated with more than 10 universities and 50 high schools as a guest speaker. He was also one of the invited resource speakers for TEDxBandung 2016.
As the Vice President for Academic Affairs at KIT Cambodia, he provides strong, dynamic academic and administrative leadership, fosters an educational environment which encourages sponsorship, collaborative learning, and academic excellence. He also strives to provide innovative and successful academic leadership and vision in instruction and course development of KIT’s academic programs including the e-Learning sector.

言語 / Languages

Native: 日本語 (Japanese)

Advanced: Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian), English

* Teu tiasa Basa Sunda mah. 

近況 / Recent Activities

キリロム工科大学の正面 The front side of Kirirom Institute of Technology
2021年02月、カンボジアのキリロムなどよりオンライン中心に開催されるキリロムグローバルフォーラム2021(Kirirom Global Forum 2021、KGF2021)に参加します。昨年までのキリロム会議(Kirirom Conference)がパワーアップする形で、名称を変更し、キリロムグローバルフォーラムとなりました。今年も、各界から著名人が集まり、最先端の技術、ビジネス、教育について様々なパネルディスカッションが予定されています。今から非常に楽しみです!たくさん刺激を受けて、キリロム工科大学の更なる発展に寄与したいです!


February 2021: Kirirom Global Forum 2021
In February 2021, I will participate in Kirirom Global Forum 2021 (KGF2021), which will be held online from Kirirom, Cambodia. The name of the event was changed to the Kirirom Global Forum, which was the Kirirom Conference until last year. Each expert from each field will gather again here to hold various panel discussions on cutting-edge technology, business trend, and education. I am really looking forward to joining it!!
BINUS大学で告知された釜我昌武のウェビナーのパンフレット Brochure of the webinar by KAMAGA Masamu Ph.D. at BINUS University

2020年12月:ビヌス大学(BINUS University)にて特別講義(ウェビナー)を実施

2020年12月、インドネシアの私立大学でトップ(QS International Ranking 2020)のビヌス大学(BINUS University, Bina Nusantara University)にて、GLS特別講義を行いました。2017年9月から2019年8月まで専任講師として在籍していた大学で、古巣の元教え子や元同僚たちと、またコミュニケーションを取ることができて嬉しかったです!コロナ禍の中なので、特別講義はオンラインでした。今風に言うとウェビナーでした。

December 2020: Public Lecture (Webinar) at BINUS University (Indonesia)
In December 2020, I gave a public lecture (Global Learning System) at Binus University (Bina Nusantara University), which is the top private university in Indonesia (according to QS University Ranking 2020). Because I was enrolled as a full-time lecturer at the university from September 2017 to August 2019, I was pretty happy to be able to communicate with my former students and colleagues even though I could join only through online! I hope that I can join physically at BINUS University next time!! Terima kasih!! 
ボゴール農科大学で告知された釜我昌武のウェビナーのパンフレット Brochure of the webinar by KAMAGA Masamu Ph.D. at IPB University

2020年07月:ボゴール農科大学(IPB University)にて特別講義(ウェビナー)を実施

2020年07月、インドネシアの著名国立大学のボゴール農科大学(IPB University)にて開催されたサマーコース内で特別講義を行いました。サマーコースのテーマは、Business Innovation and Managementで、インドネシアだけではなく、マレーシア、ポーランドなど各国からの学生と有意義な議論ができました。コロナ禍の中なので、サマーコースの講義は全てオンラインでした。ニューノーマルの時代の教育に果敢に挑戦していきたいです。

July 2020: Public Lecture at IPB University (Indonesia)
In July 2020, I gave a public lecture in the summer course held at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University), one of the finest national universities in Indonesia. The theme of the summer course was "Business Innovation and Management (BIM)", and I could have fruitful discussions with students from various countries such as Malaysia, Poland as well as Indonesia. All the lectures in the summer course were online due to COVID-19. I would like to adjust to the new normal. Terima kasih!! 

2020年02月:キリロム会議2020(Kirirom Conference 2020)に参加


February 2020: Kirirom Conference 2020
In February 2020, I participated in the Kirirom Conference 2020 held in Kirirom, Cambodia. Many experts from various fields came to Kirirom to discuss the latest technology, business trends, education, and expectations for Kirirom Institute of Technology. I was very very very glad that I was able to communicate with the wonderful guests as much as possible while being in charge of the session moderators by Japanese students at Kirirom Institute of Technology and supporting the logistics in each session. I'm looking forward to the next event which will be held as Kirirom Global Forum 2021!
キリロム工科大学のシニアマネージャー4人 The four of the senior managers at Kirirom Institute of Technology

2020年01月:キリロム工科大学(Kirirom Institute of Technology)の学務担当副学長に就任

2020年01月より、キリロム工科大学(Kirirom Institute of Technology、KIT Cambodia)の学務担当副学長に就任しました。カンボジア人学長と3人の副学長(インド人、カンボジア人、日本人)のドリームチームでキリロム工科大学を盛り上げ、産業革命4.0をリードできる人材をカンボジアから輩出していきます!

January 2020: Assigned to the Vice President for Academic Affairs at Kirirom Institute of Technology (Cambodia)
Since January 2020, I have been assigned to the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the Kirirom Institute of Technology (KIT Cambodia). With the "dream team", the president (Cambodian) and the other two vice presidents (Indian and Cambodian), we will make Kirirom Institute of Technology better and better, then educate youths both from Cambodia and overseas to be able to lead the Industrial Revolution 4.0!
キリロムリゾートのレストラン Restaurant in Kirirom resort

2019年09月:キリロム工科大学(Kirirom Institute of Technology)に着任

合計7年半におよぶインドネシアのバンドゥンおよびジャカルタでの様々な経験を経て、2019年09月よりカンボジアにあるキリロム工科大学(Kirirom Institute of Technology、KIT Cambodia)に転職しました。新たな地で、新たな挑戦に、全力で楽しみます!

September 2019: Started to work for Kirirom Institute of Technology (Cambodia)
After seven and a half years of experience in Bandung and Jakarta, Indonesia, I moved to Cambodia. And I started to work for Kirirom Institute of Technology (KIT Cambodia) in September 2019. I will do our best to take on this new challenge in a new place! 

関連リンク / Link

経歴 / Professional & Educational Background

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Kirirom Institute of Technology (CAMBODIA)
(January 2020 - Present)

Senior Academic Manager
Kirirom Institute of Technology (CAMBODIA)
(September 2019 - December 2019)
Faculty Member (Full-time Lecturer)
Bina Nusantara (BINUS) University (INDONESIA)
(September 2017 - August 2019)
Faculty Member (Full-time Lecturer)
Maranatha Christian University (INDONESIA)
(June 2013 - May 2017)
Research Worker (Full-time)
株式会社東芝 研究開発センター
TOSHIBA Corporate R&D Center (JAPAN)
(April 2010 - September 2011)
Technical Staff (Part-time)
National Institute of Advanced Industry, Science and Technology (JAPAN)
(September 2005 - March 2010)
Faculty Member (Full-time Lecturer)
Maranatha Christian University (INDONESIA)
(June 2013 - May 2017)
Ph.D of Engineering
千葉大学 工学研究科 人工システム科学専攻 電気電子系コース
Chiba University (JAPAN), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(September 2010)
Master of Engineering
東京工業大学大学院 工学研究科 電気電子工学専攻
Tokyo Institute of Technology (JAPAN), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(March 2007)
Bachelor of Engineering
東京工業大学 工学部 電気電子工学科
Tokyo Institute of Technology (JAPAN), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(March 2005)
Bahasa Indonesia Course for Foreign Speakers (BIPA)
パジャジャラン大学 言語センター
Padjadjaran University (INDONESIA), Language Center
(February 2012 - March 2013)
Bachelor of Engineering
東京工業大学 工学部 電気電子工学科
Tokyo Institute of Technology (JAPAN), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
(March 2005)

2021年2月 紹介動画 / Self-introduction Video (February 2021)

キリロム工科大学の思い出 / My Memory at KIT Cambodia