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 JudoExperience Program

①Welcome to Japan!

According to Nihon Shoki (the oldest chronicles of Japan) the beginning of our country was when the first emperor, Emperor Jimmu was enthroned around 2679 years ago. (asof 2019)

Japan is an island located in the eastern part of Eurasia it contains forests, mountains and ocean. In such a unique geographically diverse environment, we have cultivated our sensibility and enhanced our spirituality since ancient times.

I think “Budo (martial arts)” is one of the cultural aspects which represents Japanese sensibility and spirituality.

Please come and experience with your mind and body the culture of Japan through Judo: a martial arts that originated in Japan.

I am looking forward to seeing you!


Bunbu-ichido-juku Shidokan Director:

Mayuko Bando

我が国 日本の始まりは、「日本書紀(奈良時代に成立した日本の歴史書)」によると初代天皇 神武天皇が即位した2679年前だと言われています(2019年現在)。






文武一道塾 志道館



②What is Judo?

Jigoro Kano the founder of Judo was born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1860.

His mother Sada, is said to have taught Kano “Even if you have difficulties, prioritize others and serve them.” Even though his mother died when he was only 10 years old he learned from her the importance of serving others and being gentle hearted.

Kano was very intelligent and entered Tokyo University in 1875. But because he was small and physically weak he was often bullied by older and stronger boys. This experience made him yearn to be strong and he became interested in jujutsu. When he was 18, he entered a dojo called “Tenjin Shinyo ryu Syushinkan” and trained under Hachinosuke Fukuda.

At that time, every style of jujutsu concealed their signature moves and passed down their secret techniques to their students. Kano took many types of different jujutsu school’s special techniques and combined and organized all the good points into a new style of jujutsu and named it Judo.

The origin of jujutsu is different battle techniques from the Sengoku period (the age of civil wars) such as Atemi(striking technique), Shime-waza (stranglehold), and Kiwame-waza (locking technique). These were skills used to kill enemies in a battle. These kind of cruel techniques were already unnecessary by the peaceful Edo Period, and as Japan became modernized and westernized after the Meiji Restoration they were no longer needed and it was obvious that they were going to become outdated.

“Judo” is not “a Jutsu (technique)” but “a Michi (a path)”. It is not a technique for hurting or killing others. It is a path for forming identity and to teach people how to live. It is a way to enhance both yourself and your partner and that is what Jigoro Kano wanted to teach through Judo.

At the age of 23, in 1882, Kano opened a dojo of his own in a rented space at the Eishoji Temple in Tokyo Shitayadistrict. Kano’s outstanding intelligence and high spirituality modernized and rationalized the old style of martial arts into a new method “Judo”.

Now, over 130 years after the creation of Judo, there are around 200 countries and regions joining the International Judo Federation. Also Judo has been a part of the Olympic Games since the Tokyo Olympics in 1964.

Recently, Judo is thought of as a competition sport rather than a martial art. But we shouldn’t forget that at its root there are the underlying philosophies of Jigoro Kano.

At our Judo Experience Program you will be able to touch the essence of Judo.

Please come and experience Judo with your heart, technique and body.




・Written by Takashi Saito, Daihyoteki Nihonjin, Chikuma Shinsyo.

・Supervised by Hisashi Sanada, Judo to Olympic de kokusai-heiwa wo mezashita Kano Jigoro, Syogakukan.

・Illustrated by Arata Tani, Kano Jigoro sono syougai to seishin, IDEA INSTITUTE INC.



1860年 柔道の創始者 嘉納治五郎は、兵庫県に生まれました。


嘉納は大変頭もよく、1875年 現在の東京大学に進学しました。


当時の柔術各派は、それぞれの得意技を隠し、所謂 秘技・奥義として門下に伝えていました。嘉納は、柔術の諸流派の得意技を統合し、いいところをを全部収めて体系化し、「柔道」と名付けました。




1882年 当時23歳だった嘉納は、東京下谷の永昌寺の一角を間借りして、柔道の道場を開きました。嘉納の優れた知性と高い精神性のもと、廃れゆく「武」を近代仕様に合理化し、メソッド化された柔道の誕生です。




「Judo Experience Program」は、そんな柔道の本質に触れることができる内容となっています。







●嘉納治五郎 その生涯と精神(谷 新・絵/株式会社イデア・インスティテュート)

③Judo experience program

Foreign tourists traveling to Japan (For people inexperienced in judo)

【Program menu】
⑴Judo's mind and spirit
◆ History of Judo
◆ Philosophies of Mr. Jigoro Kano
⑵Judo techniques
★UKEMI (a method of falling to avoid injury even if you are thrown by an opponent)
UKEMI is a life skill! Let's learn how to avoid injuries!

★NAGEWAZA (throwing technique)
The teaching staff will receive your NAGEWAZA!
※ Note: If the teaching staff judges that your NAGEWAZA could be dangerous to you, you may not be able to throw.

【About the payment for the program】
Please pay the program fee by bank transfer 6 days before your Judo experience day.

・ Please follow the instructions of the staff during the program to ensure the safety of the program participants.
・ This program is operated with the utmost consideration to safety, but in the event of an injury or accident, we can not assume any responsibility.

【cancellation policy】
・ If canceled up to 7 days before the program date →There will be no cancellation fee.
・ In the case of cancellation from 6 days to 2 days before the program date → Cancellation fee is 50% of the total price.
・ In the case of cancellation on the day before or on the day of the program → The cancellation fee is 100% of the total price.




◆創始者 嘉納治五郎師範の思想哲学





























 ④Program fee

【Program fee】

< 1 people > 35,000 yen + consumption tax / (private)

< 2 people > 25,000 yen + consumption tax / per person

< 3 to 4 people > 20,000 yen + consumption tax / per person

※Services included in the above fee
・Judo attire Rental
・bottled water
・Japan's first Judo picture book "MITCH'S SPECIAL PHRASE a story about judo"



●2名 27,500円/人(税込)

●3名~4名 22,000円/人(税込)








⑤How to apply

【How to apply for the Judo Experience Program】
Please contact us at the following email address
<E-mail> info@bunbuichido.net

※ Required items
・ First choice desired date and time
・ Second choice preferred date and time
・The number of participants
・ Number of male participants
・ Number of female participants
・ The height of each participant
・ Representative’s name
・ Contact email address
・ Contact phone number (if you have a mobile phone you can use in Japan)

※ Please contact us 10 days before your desired date.Please understand that we may not be able to accommodate your request.

⑤【柔道体験プログラム 申し込み方法】
下記 メールアドレスにてご連絡ください。







 Bunbuichidojuku SHIDOKAN
( Wakaba 1–3,Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)

・10-minutes’ walk from Yotsuya  Station
・5-minutes’ walk from Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line  Yotsuya-sancyome Station


文武一道塾 志道館(東京都新宿区若葉1-3)


