Matching contractors

We will match up with the excellent interior supplier in Vietnam.
Japan quality

Interior supplier matching

Introducing excellent suppliers
We will introduce contractors tailored to your needs from 80 partners.
Quotes from multiple companies
We will submit quotations from multiple companies so that the construction will be satisfactory.
Corresponding to various construction
Introducing various contractors at a low price for construction companies
Corresponding to various construction
Introducing various contractors at a low price for construction companies
With pride in Japan

We often received consultations
on interior work from us and started a matching service.


Please feel free to call us first.

Introduction of supplier and submission of quotation
Construction start
Construction start

Construction examples

Moriyama building
Moriyama building
Moriyama building
Moriyama building
Moriyama building

Company Info

Moriken Inc.
company name Moriken inc.
location 158-0081 1-15-4 Fukazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
contact information
Representative Kenichi Moriyama
Establishment xxxx年 xx月 xx日
Business description Civil engineering interior construction
Business description Civil engineering interior construction


We will be responsible

for connecting you

with a good contact

from a good supplier.
Staff A
We will respond with great care.
Staff B
We will respond with great care.
Staff C
We will respond with great care.
Staff D
We will respond with great care.
Staff D
We will respond with great care.


2019.11.05 Site open