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Responding to Client Expectations

Hayakawa Eita Tax Accountant Office

〒060-0002 北海道札幌市中央区北2条西10丁目 植物園グランドハイツ西405
#W405 Shokubutsuen Grand Heights, Kita 2 Nishi 10, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0002 Japan

電話: 011-271-7739
EMAIL: click here


- 資産税(相続税・贈与税・譲渡所得税等)
- 国際租税
- 元国税職員

- Property tax (inheritance tax, gift tax, and capital gain tax etc)
- International tax
- Former tax official

主なサービス/Main services:

- 経営・財務コンサルティング
- 事業承継・相続対策コンサルティング
- 国際相続・国際資産税コンサルティング
- 財産評価
- 税務申告(相続税・贈与税・所得税・法人税等)

- Consulting on management and financial strategy
- Consulting on business succession and inheritance measures
- Consulting on international inheritance and international property tax
- Property valuation
- Preparing tax returns on inheritance tax, gift tax, and income tax etc


早河 英太/HAYAKAWA Eita

- 税理士
- 認定経営革新等支援機関
- 農業経営アドバイザー(日本政策金融公庫)
- 慶応義塾大学商学部卒業
- Japanese Certified Public Tax Accountant
- Japanese Certified Support Agency for SMEs' Management Innovation
- Agricultural Management Advisor (Japan Finance Corporation)
- B.A. in Business and Commerce, Keio University

You can rest assured we are ready to provide the best solution from the customer's point of view.


- 財務省主税局、国税庁資産課税課、東京国税局及び税務署等での主な業務経験:
- 国際系税理士法人の所属税理士としての主な業務経験:
- 2016年9月、当事務所を東京で開業
- 2022年8月、当事務所を札幌へ移転
- 税理士等を対象とした資産税関係のセミナー講師のほか、税務専門誌等の執筆あり
- 主な執筆など:
  •「第7回 道新 資産運用フェア」(北海道新聞社主催、2024年11月30日~12月1日)にて講演

- Main public work experiences as a tax official at government agencies including most notably the Tax Bureau of the Ministry of Finance and the Property Taxation Division of the National Tax Agency:
  •Property tax system planning and property tax reviews
  •3 year mission to Bangkok, Thailand
  •Handling cases regarding international tax avoidance schemes
  •Tax counseling
  •Tax examination regarding international inheritance
- Main business experiences as a CPTA at the international tax consulting firm:
  •Preparing tax returns and advising clients on whole property tax such as international property tax and business succession
  •Advising clients on international tax and company reorganization
- Opened this office in Tokyo in September 2016.
- Moved this office to Sapporo in August 2022.
- In addition to the above, there are the following experiences:
  •Lectures on property tax at seminars for tax accountants etc
  •Contributing articles for tax publications


It is possible to cooperate with various specialists in Japan.