
Custom Packaging

Custom Packaging and Marketing Ideas

Marketing has really become a science today. It is the basis on which the whole edifice of modern business world has been established. Better marketing can increase sales, expand business and establish credibility whereas weaker marketing can aggravate the situation, decrease sales and build negative image of the business. Marketing introduces products with customers. Marketing builds a strong relation between the products and the customers. It instills loyalty for products and brands in the minds of the people. It creates new opportunities. It creates new markets. It increases the number of customers. It increases the volume of sales. It enables electronic and print media houses to earn money. It enables digital platforms to earn money. It increases the overall volume of money in circle in the market. It utilizes multiple mediums like print media, electronic media, digital media and conventional mediums like hoardings, banners and pamphlets etc. And among these mediums Custom Packaging is also one, probably the cheapest and the most effective. Custom Die Cut Boxes, custom sanitizer boxes, custom soap boxes, customized gift boxes, custom e-liquid boxes, custom pre-roll cigarette boxes and custom popcorn boxes etc. are not only used to pack and secure the products but these also work to market the packed stuff through the messages typed or printed on these boxes. Thus these boxes introduce the customers with boxed things. These boxes advertise the qualities of the packed things. These boxes inform customers about the deals or packages being offered by the manufacturers or wholesalers of packed things. The beautification or artistic look of these boxes works to attract the customers who may visit any retail outlet in order to buy something else. Hence, custom printed retail packaging boxes with logo and customized wholesale boxes etc. are playing multiple roles nowadays in order to facilitate the business community as well the end users. This multipurpose role of packaging containers has rightly made these hot favorite for those who buy these to pack and advertise their products. Those who are in the field of marketing are using different techniques with or without these boxes in order to increase the sales of different products. Let’s discuss some of the salient advertising techniques being used nowadays and also see how custom printed boxes are proving helpful for the advertisers in implementing their ideas.

Smart Marketing

Smart marketing is one of the most famous techniques being used nowadays. In this technique, a larger canvas or a broader spectrum is used to convey the message. In this technique people are not directly told to buy something. This is actually an indirect way of marketing. In this technique two methodologies are adopted. One is to talk about some better purpose of a product without stressing on the purchase of that product. Second is to talk about some better purpose of a product and then to motivate others to use it. Hence, this technique not only proves helpful for the manufacturers and wholesalers by enabling them to earn more money but also proves helpful in spreading public service messages. Thus multiple targets are achieved through this technique. Those who make and sell custom boxes are also using these techniques while designing their boxes. For instance, those who make custom printed tea packaging boxes demonstrate through pictures and text how relaxation is necessary for all of us in order to perform our duties better. By saying so they actually mean that tea is doing a great job by keeping the people relaxed or stress free. Hence, custom tea boxes not only become able to aware people about the importance of mental health but also become able to motivate them to take more and more tea if they want to maintain their mental health. Similarly, those who make cosmetic boxes, describe techniques of using makeup and impacts of good makeup on the grooming of one’s personality. This campaign actually results in the increase of the sales of cosmetic items. Thus we can easily understand that the manufacturers and wholesalers of packaging requiring items and packaging containers are using the technique of smart marketing effectively in order to spread public service messages as well as to increase the sales of the boxed items.

Artistic Marketing

Art is life. Art is beauty. Art is blessing. Art inspires. Art amazes. Art is everywhere. It beautifies our appearances, dresses, shoes, things, buildings and cities etc. It gives class to the commoners. Because of its effectiveness, it is also being used proactively to market the products. To market the things through electronic media and print media ads in which dances, songs and other artistic socio-cultural activities are highlighted in order to market something is now a common thing these days. But art is also used to market things through cardboard boxes. Cardboard made packaging containers equipped with different cartoons, funny characters or pictures in order to motivate others to buy these are some of the examples of artwork being used by the box designers for marketing purposes. Boxes made of different artistic shapes also inspire and attract others. Custom gold foil boxes, custom gable boxes, custom display packaging boxes, custom auto bottom boxes and custom pre-roll boxes are some of the examples of different artistic shapes of the packaging containers that successfully attract the attention of the customers and motivate them to buy these.

Conventional Marketing

Apart from the above mentioned informal or indirect techniques, marketing is also being done through conventional means. In this technique, no great artworks or smartness is used. Instead people are directly requested to buy a thing because it’s cheaper or more fruitful for them. For instance, to market Die Cut, people are directly requested to buy Die Cut and are told about the incentives being offered by their company. In this technique, custom boxes, too, are used simply and directly to convince people to purchase the things of certain brand. For instance, the advertisers don’t use Die Cut Boxes Packaging to exhibit artworks and aware masses about health tips instead these are directly used to request people to buy Die Cutting packed in these.
Custom Packaging

Die Cut Boxes

Printed Packaging

Printed Packaging