1967 大分県生まれ
1996 フリーランスのイラストレーターとして独立来タイ
1997 講談社「おひさま絵本大賞」受賞
1999 国際交流基金と大同生命により、宮沢賢治の絵本を制作個展を開く
2007 個展Japan Foundationにてタイ日修好120周年記念ポスターに起用される
2008 タイ・ブンチャイ美術館に作品が所蔵される
2009 タイ政府観光庁・タイ航空・福岡情報誌「AVANTI」の協力に よる個展
2011 タイ・バンコク市・福岡市修好20周年ポスターに起用され、
2013 岩手県釜石市コスモス公園 43m×8m・希望の壁作成
2014 個展「東北」アコ・ギャラリーにて
2016 ポプラ社 絵本「あしたが好き」出版
2018 BTS(バンコクスカイトレイン)ラッピングデザイン
夾竹桃物語 緒方俊平著の紙芝居制作とワークショップ(以降毎年)
スリランカ Sputnik Girls School壁画制作
2020 ホワイトキャンバスタイランドプロジェクトスタート(以降毎年)
2022 「水戸から世界平和を願う希望の壁」茨城県水戸市
「私の小さな庭2」 東京・仙台・茨城・静岡・京都の各地で開催
「空の青と海の青」東京で「Blue sky and Blue sea」タイ Siam Takashimayaで開催
現在タイで様々な企業とともにアート促進のためのワークショップを各地で開催し日、現在タイで様々な企業とともにアート促進のためのワークショップを各地で開催し日ごろは作品を制作するかたわら、「Kids Workshop」を主催している
Kyoko Abe Profile
1967 Born in Oita Prefecture
After graduating from a design school in Fukuoka 1996 came to Thailand as a freelance illustrator
1997 Won Kodansha's "Ohisama Picture Book Award
1998 Solo exhibition "Spring Surprise" at Ako Gallery
1999 Produced a picture book on Kenji Miyazawa for the Japan Foundation and Daido Life Insurance, and held a solo exhibition
2001 Solo exhibition "Being Myself" at Aco Gallery
2004 Solo exhibition "Can't Stop Painting" at Aco Gallery
2007 Solo exhibition "The Country that I Love Thailand (Installation)" at Japan Foundation Selected for the poster commemorating the 120th anniversary of Japan-Thailand amity.
2008 "The Country that I Love Thailand" at Bun Chai Museum of Fine Arts, Thailand
2009 Solo exhibition "Where I am" at Fukuoka City Gallery in cooperation with Tourism Authority of Thailand, Thai Airways, and Fukuoka magazine "AVANTI
2011 Poster for the 20th Anniversary of Friendship between Bangkok, Thailand and Fukuoka City, and the work was presented to the Governor of Bangkok.
2012 Solo exhibition "Let's Go Far, Far Away" at Ako Gallery, Tokyo
2013 Created a 43m x 8m wall of hope at Cosmos Park, Kamaishi, Iwate, Japan
2014 Solo exhibition "Tohoku" at Ako Gallery 2016 Picture book "I love tomorrow" published by Poplar Publishing
2017 "Living in Thailand" at Ako Gallery
2018 BTS (Bangkok Sky Train) Wrapping Design Creation of a picture story show and workshop of Oleander Tale "I'm sorry for forgetting you" by Shunpei Ogata (every year since then)
Mural painting for Sputnik Girls School, Sri Lanka
Started the World's Biggest Painting Project (~2024)
2020 Start of White Canvas Thailand Project (and annually thereafter)
2022 “Wall of Hope for World Peace from Mito,” Mito, Ibaraki
2022 “My Little Garden 2” in Tokyo, Sendai, Ibaraki, Shizuoka, Kyoto
2023 “It's Wonderful to Be Alive” Fukuoka, Nagoya
Songs of Happiness” in Tokyo and Iwate
2024 "My Favorite Day" Nagoya
"Blue Sky and Blue Sea" in Tokyo "Blue Sky and Blue Sea" held at Siam Takashimaya in Thailand
Holding a workshop at the Bangkok Metropolitan Government's "Bangkok for Peace Exhibition"
そんなぺんてる社の熱い思いを受け、半年間をかけて4車両王宮・水上マーケット・タラート・コムロイ 大きな4枚の絵を描きあげました。2017年4月
After receiving a request from Pentel to draw a BTS wrapping advertisement, "The former King Bhumibol died, and Thailand was in mourning for a long time. Everyone in the city wore black clothes. And now that the mourning is over, I want to brighten up the city of Thailand with BTS!
I was surprised when I heard Mr. Pentel's passion and talked to him about it. I want to cheer up Thailand after mourning,
I want to support the future of Thailand.
In response to the passion of Pentel, I spent half a year drawing 4 large paintings of the 4-vehicle royal palace, floating market, Talat, and Khomroy. April 2017
子供達の為に平和を願い書かれた「夾竹桃物語」(緒方俊平著)を 小さな子供たちにも分かりやすく紙芝居にした読み聞かせ会。広島原爆投下により人間だけでなく動物や植物も犠牲になった事実を子供たちが知る事で 未来を担う子供の心に平和の大切さを伝える活動です。
"Sorry for forgetting"
A story-telling event in which "The Tale of Bamboo Peach" (written by Shunpei Ogata), which was written with a wish for peace for children, was made into a picture-story show that is easy for small children to understand. It is an activity to convey the importance of peace to the hearts of the children who will bear the future by learning that not only humans but also animals and plants were sacrificed by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.