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Attend Online Rose Folding Classrooms
from Anywhere in the World

This is the first english video tutorial that demonstrates how to fold beautifully with ease without attending classes in Japan.

★Relaesed on March 30, 2018★

I will show you for the first 50 seconds of this movie!

It’s that EASY!

  • You can learn from it over and over anytime anywhere.

  • It will show you folding diagrams that illustrate the keys to remember!

  • You will develop your ability to see diagrams from the folding diagrams, which makes your folding easier!

  • The way of delicate moving fingers is very visible and easy to follow, you can fold without hesitation with zoomed in video.

  • Adding curls on petals are very visible and easy to follow, zoomed in video on the position and movement of chopsticks!

  • Use of a chopstick and a spatula in the part which becomes a core of a flower is very visible and easy to follow.

  • You can learn from it over and over anytime anywhere.

I made this movie with a wish to make origami fans around the world happy!

Since I had uploaded my paper rose works on Instagram in December 2016, I have received many inquiries from overseas asking for a paper rose folding "tutorial".

I made this movie with a wish that anyone even those who cannot attend the classrooms in Japan could fold beautiful three-dimentional roses.

I strongly believe that this video will give origami fans around the world a realization of their possibilities by experiencing miracles using only a piece of paper without glue or scissors to fold a beautiful paper rose.

Once you learn how to fold by yourself, you will be able to make accessories and interior decorations with your origami, which makes everyday life fun. I hope the "Miracle Roses" make the origami fans around the world happy.

Features of this Video


Production and Services

◎The content of the video is the same as that of the actual classroom in Japan.

◎The instructions are easy to understand and follow.

◎The video was created by a professional photographer and editor.

◎Instrunctions both in English and Japanese.

◎Focused on the movements of the fingertips and easy to follow.



Special Price of Video Tutorial: 20USD
  1 lesson in Japan:  4, 500 JPY (approx. 40USD)
  The video tutorial: 20USD


Production and Services

◎The content of the video is the same as that of the actual classroom in Japan.

◎The instructions are easy to understand and follow.

◎The video was created by a professional photographer and editor.

◎Instrunctions both in English and Japanese.

◎Focused on the movements of the fingertips and easy to follow.


Yoshiko Onoda

Retired in May 2016 from a plant construction company after working for them for 40 years, now I do what I love to do which contribute to the society. I do lecture businesses where I teach the techniques of folding paper roses with a sheet of paper.

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Customer's Voice

I love folding roses!

I was impressed and fascinated by the tutorials that shows how to create a rose out of only one sheet of paper. I fell in love with folding roses. (60's N. Keiko)

It's a Bible!

This video is my bible! (30's A. Saori)

A surprise that a flat paper turn into a three dimensional rose!

I never forget when I understood how to fold and how impressed I was when a sheet of paper became three dimention. (40’s Y. Hiroko)

I am my clumsy but I can fold!

Although I am clumsy, I could fold a rose with this video. This video is "amazing!" (30's T. Keiko)



1. Fold a square in the center of paper

2. How to made a middle square

3. How to use a spatula on the middle square

4. Making the core three-demensional

5. Twisting up the paper

6. Stretching wrinkles around the core

7. How to fold petals

8. How to fold the bottom

9. Making curls on the petals

10. Finished

Special Price of Video Tutorial: 20USD

My Wish to Origami Fans around the World!

I retired from the plant construction company which I worked for for 40 years in May 2016. After retirement, I decided to do social contribution activities with my favorite things. It was a lecturer business that teaches techniques of folding a rose with a sheet of paper.

Since I had uploaded my paper rose works on Instagram in December 2016, I have received many inquiries from overseas asking for a paper rose folding "tutorial".

I made this movie with a wish that anyone even those who cannot attend classrooms in Japan could fold beautiful three-dimentional roses.

I strongly believe that this video will give origami fans around the world a realization of their possibilities by experiencing miracles using only a piece of paper without glue or scissors to fold a beautiful paper rose.

Once you learn how to fold by yourself, you will be able to make accessories and interior decorations with your origami, which makes everyday life fun. I hope the "Miracle Roses" make the origami fans around the world happy.

If you have any problem, please feel free to contact us.