

Gmail: mycountryis2020<at>gmail.com

Let's Get to Know the World from New Angle.

What Mycountry's is
It's a new place to interact with!

Mycountry's is a project by high school students, to help high school students around the world learn more about every 193 countries.
We provide a platform where high schoolers broadcast about their countries on Instagram. You can learn the current state of their country and ask them questions about their interests; popular music, food and so on in real-time.
In this age of globalization, where prejudice and discriminatory statements become common, why don't you be friends with high school students around the world and see what's happening in their countries that you can't get from the news or books?


You can hear a real voice

The introduction is held by local high schoolers so that you can know the real state of there.

Super easy to join
Since we use Insta Live to broadcast Mycountry's, it's free to join this!
Can ask some questions on real-time

Using question form on Insta Live, the audience can ask questions to the presenter.
Can ask some questions on real-time

Using question form on Insta Live, the audience can ask questions to the presenter.


Follow our Instagram account!!

We use Insta Live to broacast Mycountry's.
There's no need for doing another thing, just follow our Instagram account!


Founder / Kai Ishi

Japanese high school student.
I have been interested in foreign countries since I was a child, and I would like to make international exchange among high school students easier. It is my policy that the first step in international exchange is to know your own country.
My hobby is gathering information about food cultures around the world.

Founder / Rika Unno

Cross-cultural understanding, which started to have a big roll in society, is hard to improve in our daily life. There're no money and time to go out of our field to felt a foreign country's culture, but we have to enhance the understanding of it in this age of global society.
Since leaning from articles is quite hard, we came up to make a platform that the students can improve their cross-cultural understanding.
We confidently believe Mycountry's can be a platform to interact with cultures.
I wait eagerly one day that people from all over the world would gather in here and make a relationship.


Coming soon

Coming soon

SUPPORT Mycountry's

The found raised by supporters will be used as spreading and improving Mycountry's.
We're sure that Mycountry's will BE A PIONEER of cultural interaction.
Please support us!!


Would you want to introduce your country?

We always ask for someone who wants to introduce your country to everybody. If you interested in it, please push the button below to send us a questioner.

Form of Mycountry's

Please fill out the blank to send the form.
Apply the privacy policy to send the form.